An overview of the different types of charts you can make with Swift Charts
Swift samples demonstrating various capabilities of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS
Stellarium is a free GPL software which renders realistic skies in real time with OpenGL. It is available for Linux/Unix, Windows and macOS. With Stellarium, you really see what you can see with yo…
An SDK to develop effects for Nanoleaf Light Panels using features like frequency, beat, or tempo.
DEPRECATED. A boilerplate single-view iOS app that displays a white screen.
DEPRECATED. An iOS app that uses time to illustrate controller and application life cycle events; and notifications.
DEPRECATED. An iOS app that uses a Web View to practice delegation; and to learn about URLs and HTTP requests.
DEPRECATED. An iOS app that lets users draw with a finger, as a means of exploring touches, touch events, and Core Graphics.
DEPRECATED. A simple iOS app with a map, to introduce Map Kit and Core Location.
DEPRECATED. A simple iOS app for exploring Gesture Recognizers.
DEPRECATED. An iOS app for playing four different sounds, as a means of exploring AV Foundation and asynchronous methods.
DEPRECATED. A "command line tool" Xcode project for learning about Swift concepts.
DEPRECATED. An iOS app that uses elapsed time as a context for practicing MVC, discovering the basics of threads, and applying NSTimer.
DEPRECATED. An iOS app that uses temperature conversion as a means of practicing MVC, applying protocols and delegates, and persisting application state.
DEPRECATED. An iOS app that displays a collage of fun topics, as a means for learning about Xcode, Auto Layout constraints, size classes, and action connections.
DEPRECATED. Short, topic-focused instructor presentations that illustrate iOS and Swift concepts.
DEPRECATED. A collection of playgrounds for teaching Swift programming concepts.
DEPRECATED. Instructor lesson plans that accompany Xcode projects, for guiding in-class experiential learning.