Welcome to StructureMap, the oldest Inversion of Control container for .Net.
StructureMap is available via NuGet:
Install-Package StructureMap
If you want to fix a bug or just want to tinker with an idea, we love receiving pull requests!
- Clone the repository:
git clone git://github.com/structuremap/structuremap.git
- From the command line, run
paket restore
once to resolve and fetch the nuget dependencies. I disabled the "auto-restore" feature because I felt like it was too slow in normal development. I apologize for the problems that has caused folks in pulling down the code. - Open the solution at src/StructureMap.sln and go to town!
The StructureMap team uses Rake internally and on the CI server, but Rake is no longer necessary in any way for developing with the StructureMap codebase.
Please post any questions or bugs to the StructureMap Users mailing list.
The latest documentation is available at http://structuremap.github.io.
Thanks for trying StructureMap.