A weather forecast demo app, based on Vite, React, React Query and the open-meteo.com APIs.
Try it at https://weather.arjam.net, where it is hosted by Cloudflare pages.
To run locally in develop mode:
yarn dev
It will tell you the URL to view the dev site, usually http://localhost:5173/.
If you don't have yarn, the easiest way to install it is:
npm install --global yarn
Make sure you have recent versions of NodeJS and Yarn installed.
Instructions to install NodeJS can be found here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager.
Once Node is installed, you can install Yarn by following instructions here: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install
The simplest way is usually to run npm install --global yarn
in your terminal.
Once yarn is installed, you can install the other dependencies for this project by cd
ing to the
project root and running yarn
Once the dependencies are installed, you can run a local developent copy using the command yarn dev
. This will compile the project with extra hot-reloading and debugging features and run a local
webserver, usually at the URL http://localhost:5173/. If you have this page open in a web browser,
most changes to source will be reflected immediately in the page, often without the page even
needing to refresh. If the source has an error, it will usually be displayed instead of the page.
Sometimes it can get a bit confused, so it's worth pressing the browser refresh button if something
is not what you expect.
To build a release version of the site in the dist
folder, run:
yarn build
This will compile, bundle and minify the Typescript code. It may report typescript compile time errors that aren't reported in dev mode. You may need to add additional types or other refactorings to ensure it can compile.
Once built successfully, you can preview the site by running:
yarn preview
This will run ESLint on the code to check for formatting and code style errors:
yarn lint
To see a full list of commands you can run with yarn, run:
yarn run