Administrator is an administrative interface builder for Laravel. With Administrator you can visually manage your Eloquent models and their relations, and also create stand-alone settings pages for storing site data and performing site tasks.
- Author: Jan Hartigan
- Website:
- Version: 5.0.1
To install Administrator as a Composer package to be used with Laravel 5, simply add this to your composer.json:
"frozennode/frontend": "5.*"
..and run composer update
. Once it's installed, you can register the service provider in config/app.php
in the providers
'providers' => [
Then publish Administrator's assets with php artisan vendor:publish
. This will add the file config/frontend.php
. This config file is the primary way you interact with Administrator. This command will also publish all of the assets, views, and translation files.
If you want to use Administrator with Laravel 4, you need to resolve to Administrator 4:
"frozennode/frontend": "4.*"
Then publish the config file with php artisan config:publish frozennode/frontend
. This will add the file app/config/packages/frozennode/frontend/frontend.php
Then finally you need to publish the package's assets with the php artisan asset:publish frozennode/frontend
Since Administrator has switched over to Composer, you can no longer use php artisan bundle:install administrator
or php artisan bundle:upgrade administrator
. If you want to use Administrator with Laravel 3, you must switch to the 3.3.2 branch, download it, and add it in the /bundles/administrator
directory and add this to your bundles.php file:
'frontend' => array(
'handles' => 'frontend', //this determines what URI this bundle will use
'auto' => true,
The complete docs for Administrator can be found at You can also find the docs in the /src/docs
Administrator was written by Jan Hartigan of Frozen Node for the Laravel framework. Administrator is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Bugfix: Fixing csrf token mismatches for some requests
- Upgraded to Laravel 5
- New translations (az)