Beta v8.1
- Added: Corrupt mode – enabling this will not allow you to load a game when you go bankrupt
- Added: Tutorial
- Added: Player can now market published games
- Added: Options menu added
- Added: Penalties will no longer cancel and incur a penalty when the deadline isn’t met. You will still be able to finish the contract, but you will get a discounted price. This will help the player figure out what kind of contracts they can accept without causing too much burden.
- Updated: How frequently companies will self-publish is moddable
- Updated direction calculations
- Fixed: Bug with viewing different contracts/publishers/buyouts
- Fixed: Expenses now display expected expenses for month. Also fixes AI expenses
- Fixed: Story was being reset after direction in Art Production
- Fixed: Bug with maximum contracts/publishers/buyouts
- Built script for publishing and marketing games
- Added: More random events
- Added: New challenge – hacked
- Fixed: Expos are now simulated
- Fixed: All forms now close when game is over
- Fixed: Bug where random events would give multiple success rates (missing 70-90)
- Fixed: Console Full Schedule now displayed
- Fixed: When building a new game, engines and consoles will display when being selected
- Fixed: Direction stage calculations
- New: Max staff is now 20
- Added: Employees will quit if they reach a threshold of pay below average
- Fixed: Bug where publisher was not added when developing game
- Fixed: Bug in Art Production stage and story points fell
- Fixed: Bug when setting up progress bars if they’re over maximum
- Fixed: Bug where the progress gained in setting the lead for each part wasn’t getting added properly
- Fixed: Project management bug for engine creation that caused everything to go havoc
- Fixed: Bug where engine or console development wasn’t displaying direction setting properly
- Fixed: Game freezing when determining if a company exists already
- Balancing: Contracts are too easy with little reward
- Adjusted: Player gets salary updates so they don’t get stressed out
- Balancing: Employees returning from PTO
- Balancing: Console development
- Balancing: Direction mathematics (Basically, the equation changed from the product of current development progress and direction bonus based on position per stage -> product of lead’s skill and the whole team and then the product of that if there’s a direction bonus and then added to the current development progress)
- Fixed: Contracts should no longer error out when selecting the last one
- Fixed: Consoles were creating an error when a company went bankrupt and the console was still for sale
- New feature: Updater now functional
- Fixed: Starting a new game
New features:
- Ability to create consoles
- Consoles now have random events
- Stage direction now includes console
- Player now gets paid for consoles
- Player can now change game name at release
- Player can now market console
- Expos can now advertise both consoles and games
- AI companies will now publish themselves if they have enough assets
- AI will now announce a console months in advance before releasing
- Engines and consoles are now included in expo and marketing calculations
- Engines and consoles can now be marketed
- Fixed: extra stock code loading wrong information
- Fixed: saving/loading console data
- Fixed: AI console sales were getting full price rather than difference of cost and price
- Fixed: New game clears console and banking information
- Fixed: Console sales, income, etc. never referred to right company
- Adjusted: PC sales so they’re not so they’re dominate past 1990
- Fixed issue with new game/engine charts
- Stock UI is complete
- User may now be publisher
- User now gets income from publishing
- AI gets income from publishing other developer games
- Added publisher array to company data
- Generated companies will now publish with a pre-existing company
- Made marketing factors editable, also made some adjustments
- Fixed: a bug where new hires weren’t showing for recent addition
- Adjusted: development stages influence
- New feature: simulation for years up to start date
- Adjusted: Development from EXP change
- Adjusted: Prototype development
- Updated Awards screen
- Fixed bug where weekly sales earnings were not calculating correctly
- Fixed: New Game setup
- Adjustment: Marketing
- Fixed: Removed most duplicated games
- Various bug fixes
- It costs $1,000 to look at candidates and now $5,000 to hire them
- Adjusted game awards screen
- Adjusted hire screen
- Added staff screen
- Included investments in the challenge frequency
- Staff screen is functional - You can give raises and terminate employment
- Reduced how often employees gain EXP
- Adventure games were not getting a rating for AI or the player, this has been addressed
- You can now have up to 10 employees
- Re-adjusted PTO stress reduction
- Added development stage influence
- Implemented new theme
- Worked on stocks
- Stocks will be based on percentage not number (i.e. 80 = 80%, not 80 stocks)
- Fixed: Bug where investments didn’t get removed
- Fixed: Reputation being added/subtracted when a game is cancelled
- Moddable: Employee stress levels
- New feature: challenge – highly successful businesses will begin to suffer detrimental or positive effects
- New feature: challenges – highly successful business may have sales negatively effected
- Moddable: Frequency of challenges based on cash amount
- Fixed: Marketing bugs
- Rebalancing: Employee stress
- Fixed: A minor issue when AI games were created they were all being rated the same as an action game
- Fixed: Bug creating duplicate games
- Worked on rebuilding the expo visitor generator.
- Balanced: Expo visitors
- Fixed: Bug where a game in development didn’t have a console saved
- Made Trends/Reputation easy viewable
- Fixed: Bug with selling games
- Added pop-up for weekly sales
- Provided pop-up for production progress bars to help player determine when their deadlines are
- Companies will now go public when they have a lot of money (stocks)
- Player can view stock options
- End game added
- Fixed: Bug that prevent the main screen from loading
- Finished year end awards
- Game of the year games get re-released
- Fixed: Various issues resuming games with an engine in progress
- Fixed: Various issues resuming games with a game in progress
- Fixed: Engine tech/usability rating for player''s engines
- Fixed: Bug when building an engine the third console was hidden
- Fixed: Bug when engine wasn''t building at all
- Balancing: Engine development
- Balancing: Game development
- Balancing: Increased loan payoff to 3 years
- Balancing: Expo visitors
- Fixed: Bug where month didn''t save/load
- Fixed: Bug where project status wasn''t saved properly
- Expanded trends to include interests
- Fixed: bug with a game rating getting below 1
- Made consoles reduce in technology/cost over time
- Engines now retire when a console retires
- Started building end of year awards
- Fixed: Bug with engine/development bars going below 0
- Fixed: Bug where the size of the development team wasn''t saving/loading
- Balancing: Game development
- Balancing: Engine development
- Fixed: Bug where saving/loading games while developing didn''t resume development
- Fixed: Bug with purchasing investments
- Fixed: Bug with generating interest for investments
- PC sales adjusted to match consoles in later years
- Built art for expo booths
- Added booths into expos
- Fixed: Consoles saved and loaded twice
- Adjusted contracts
- Fixed: Splash screen remained shown if game was loaded
- Adjust Expo costs
- Working on reputation mechanic
o When engine is purchased
o When game is released based on rating
o When contract is complete
o When contract fails
o When game is cancelled - Trends are implemented and based off high quality games
- Other company game sales will receive a boost if the genre is a hot trend
- Player now receives a boost if the genre is a hot trend
- Player can set the trend if a game is high quality
- Adjust PC sales so they''re similar to console to represent PC Gamers