I wanted to create a library that allows to use known Clojure tools to develop API's on AWS Lambda.
A library that
- prevents AWS to vendor lock you with Lambda,
- allows for fast feedback loop while developing API locally,
- implements a full Ring spec,
- supports serving resources from AWS Lambda,
- is fast, so that cold starts are minimal
This is why holy-lambda-ring-adapter was released. An adapter is a part of holy-lambda project and is already used in production.
- AWS ApiGateway Lambda Integration
- Java Version >= 11
- GraalVM Native Image >= 21.2.0
- Holy Lambda >= 0.6.0 [all backends: native, babashka, clojure
With plain ring
(ns core (:require [fierycod.holy-lambda-ring-adapter.core :as hlra] [fierycod.holy-lambda.core :as h]) (defn ring-handler [request] {:status 200 :headers {} :body \"Hello World\"} (def HttpApiProxyGateway (hlra/ring<->hl-middleware ring-handler)) (h/entrypoint [#'HttpApiProxyGateway])
With Reitit & Muuntaja reitit
(ns core (:require [fierycod.holy-lambda-ring-adapter.core :as hlra] [fierycod.holy-lambda.core :as h]) (def muuntaja-ring-handler (ring/ring-handler (ring/router routes {:data {:muuntaja instance :coercion coerction :middleware middlewares}}))) (def HttpApiProxyGateway (hlra/ring<->hl-middleware muuntaja-ring-handler)) (h/entrypoint [#'HttpApiProxyGateway])
The holy-lambda documentation is available here.
Copyright © 2021 Karol Wojcik aka Fierycod
Released under the MIT license.