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rlagywjd802 committed Oct 16, 2018
1 parent 9eee5b2 commit 8f34e96
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Showing 4 changed files with 424 additions and 0 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions FK.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
function [x] = FK(q)
% Forward Kinematics of two link robot arm
% q : joint angle in degree [N, 2]
% x : EE of two link [N, 2]
global R2D
global D2R
global l1
global l2

q = q*D2R;
x1 = l1*cos(q(:,1));
y1 = l1*sin(q(:,1));
x2 = x1 + l2*cos(q(:,1)+q(:,2));
y2 = y1 + l2*sin(q(:,1)+q(:,2));

x = [x2, y2];

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions IK.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
function [q1,q2]=IK(x2, y2)
global l1;
global l2;

c2 = (x2^2+y2^2-l1^2-l2^2)/(2*l1*l2) ;
s2 = sqrt(1-c2^2);
q2 = atan2(s2,c2);

% D = det([l1+l2*c2, -l2*s2; l2*s2, l1+l2*c2]);
% D1 = det([x2, -l2*s2; y2, l1+l2*c2]);
% D2 = det([l1+l2*c2, x2; l2*s2, y2]);

% c1 = D1/D;
% s1 = D2/D;

% q1 = atan2(s1,c1);

q1 = atan2(y2,x2) - atan2(l2*s2, l1+l2*c2);

357 changes: 357 additions & 0 deletions RunWalkingRobot_Discrete.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
clear all
% close all

global R2D
global D2R
global l1
global l2
global dt
global tf
global ay
global by
global az
global w
global c
global h
global tau
global error_coupling
global n_dofs
global n_bfs
global goal
global y_0

% Variable for converting RADIAN -> DEGREE or DEGREE -> RADIAN %
R2D = 180/pi;
D2R = pi/180;

% 0. Record Data

q_d = load("data/walking_joint_angle.txt");
dt = 0.001;
timestep = length(q_d);
tf = dt*(timestep-1);
T = 0:dt:tf;

% 1. Set the Parameters

% Robot Parameters
l1 = 0.2;
l2 = 0.2;

% Constant Parameters %
az = 1;
ay = [7, 7];
by = [7, 7];

% Canonical System %
tau = 1;
error = 0.0;
error_coupling = 1.0 / (1.0+error);

% DMP Parameters %
n_dofs = 2; % number of degree of freedom
n_bfs = 100; % number of basis function per DMP

% 2. Initialize Canonical System
% Output : z[timestep]

% Canonical System %
z = exp(-az/tau*T);

% Basis Function %
des_c = linspace(0, tf, n_bfs);
c = exp(-az/tau*des_c); % mean
h = n_bfs^1.5./c; % variance
psi = zeros(timestep, n_bfs);

% Psi %
for b=1:n_bfs
psi(:,b) = exp(-h(b)*(z-c(b)).^2);

% 3. Get desired path from kinesthetic teach-in
% Output : path[path_len, n_dofs]
% : y_0, goal[n_dofs]

% Cartesian Space(m) desired path
x_d = FK(q_d);
path = x_d;
path_dt = 0.005;
path_len = length(path);
path_T = 0:path_dt:(path_len-1)*path_dt;

% 4. Imitate the desired path using Interpolation
% Output : y_d, dy_d, ddy_d[timestep, n_dofs]

% Interpolate the desired path
y_T = linspace(0, tf, timestep);

y_d = zeros(timestep, n_dofs);
dy_d = zeros(timestep, n_dofs);
ddy_d = zeros(timestep, n_dofs);

for n=1:n_dofs
y_d(:,n) = interp1(T, path(:,n), y_T);

% Velocity and Accelearation of y_d
for k=1:timestep-1
dy_d(k+1, :) = (y_d(k+1, :)-y_d(k, :))/dt;
ddy_d(k+1,:) = (dy_d(k+1, :)-dy_d(k, :))/dt;

% Set initial state and goal
y_0 = y_d(1, :);
goal = y_d(path_len, :);

% 5. Find the reference force required to move along desired path
% Output : f_ref
% Calculate reference force value from desired path
f_ref = zeros(timestep, n_dofs);
for n=1:n_dofs
f_ref(:, n) = ddy_d(:, n) - ay(n)*(by(n)*(goal(n)-y_d(:,n)) - dy_d(:,n));

% 6. Generate weights to realize reference force
% Output : weights
% Weight %
% Compute weights via Locally Weighted Regression
w = zeros(n_dofs, n_bfs);
for n=1:n_dofs
% spatial scailing term
k = goal(n)-y_0(n);
for b=1:n_bfs
numer = sum((z') .* psi(:,b) .* (f_ref(:,n))); % [timestep]->[1]
denom = sum((z').^2 .* psi(:, b));
if (k*denom == 0)
w(n, b) = 0;
w(n, b) = numer / (k*denom);

% dlmwrite('w_left_back.txt',w)
% dlmwrite('c_left_back.txt',c)
% dlmwrite('h_left_back.txt',h)

% 7. Change the goal
% Output :
%goal = [-0.1 ,0.2]; %left hit(test)

% 8. Generate trajectory to track
% Output : y_t, dy_t, ddy_t -> Joint space
% Initialize tracking trajectory
y_t = y_0; %initial
dy_t = zeros(n_dofs);
ddy_t = zeros(n_dofs);
z_t = 1.0;
f_t = [0, 0];

% Iteration numbers
n = 1; %Iterator for main loop
n_trj = 1;

% Plot Setting %
hold on
axis([-0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5]);
Ax1 = [0, l1];
Ay1 = [0, 0];
Ax2 = [l1, l1+l2];
Ay2 = [0, 0];
p1 = line(Ax1,Ay1,'LineWidth',[5],'Color','b');
p2 = line(Ax2,Ay2,'LineWidth',[5],'Color','c');

% Robot Implementation
for i = 0 : dt : tf

% Run Canonical System %
z_t = z_t + (-az*z_t*error_coupling)*tau*dt; % [1]
[y_t, dy_t, ddy_t, f_t] = dmp_step(z_t, y_t, dy_t, ddy_t);

% Inverse Kinematics
x2 = y_t(1); y2 = y_t(2);
[q1, q2] = IK(x2,y2);
x1 = l1*cos(q1); y1 = l1*sin(q1);

% Save the results of end-effector position, velocity, acceleration
x1_save(n) = x2; % Save the end-effector position
x2_save(n) = y2;
dx1_save(n) = dy_t(1);
dx2_save(n) = dy_t(2);
ddx1_save(n) = ddy_t(1);
ddx2_save(n) = ddy_t(2);
f1_save(n) = f_t(1);
f2_save(n) = f_t(2);
q1_save(n) = q1*R2D;
q2_save(n) = q2*R2D;

% Calculate the coordinates of robot geometry for animation
Ax1 = [0, x1];
Ay1 = [0, y1];
Ax2 = [x1, x2];
Ay2 = [y1, y2];

% Update the animation
if rem(n,5) == 0
set(p1,'X', Ax1, 'Y',Ay1);
set(p2,'X', Ax2, 'Y',Ay2);

% Save 1st and 2nd joint's location, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
if rem(n,1) == 0
x_save(n_trj) = x2;
y_save(n_trj) = y2;
n_trj = n_trj + 1;

% Increase the iteration number


% Plot the graph of end-effector
% figure(2)
% subplot(2,1,1)
% plot(T, y_d(:,1), 'g', T, x1_save, 'b', 'linewidth', 0.8)
% title('< end-effector x position >')
% legend('demonstration', 'reproduction')
% xlabel('t (sec)')
% ylabel('x (m)')
% xlim([0 tf])
% subplot(2,1,2)
% plot(T, y_d(:,2), 'g', T, x2_save, 'b', 'linewidth', 0.8)
% title('< end-effector y position >')
% legend('demonstration', 'reproduction')
% xlabel('t (sec)')
% ylabel('y (m)')
% xlim([0 tf])
% figure(3)
% subplot(2,1,1)
% plot(T, dy_d(:,1), 'g', T, dx1_save, 'b', 'linewidth', 0.8)
% title('< end-effector x velocity >')
% legend('demonstration', 'reproduction')
% xlabel('t (sec)')
% ylabel('xdot (m)')
% xlim([0 tf])
% subplot(2,1,2)
% plot(T, dy_d(:,2), 'g', T, dx2_save, 'b', 'linewidth', 0.8)
% title('< end-effector y velocity >')
% legend('demonstration', 'reproduction')
% xlabel('t (sec)')
% ylabel('ydot (m)')
% xlim([0 tf])
% figure(4)
% subplot(2,1,1)
% plot(T, ddy_d(:,1), 'g', T, ddx1_save, 'b', 'linewidth', 0.8)
% title('< end-effector x acceleration >')
% legend('demonstration', 'reproduction')
% xlabel('t (sec)')
% ylabel('xddot (m)')
% xlim([0 tf])
% subplot(2,1,2)
% plot(T, ddy_d(:,2), 'g', T, ddx2_save, 'b', 'linewidth', 0.8)
% title('< end-effector y acceleration >')
% legend('demonstration', 'reproduction')
% xlabel('t (sec)')
% ylabel('yddot (m)')
% xlim([0 tf])
% figure(5)
% subplot(2,1,1)
% plot(T, f_ref(:,1), 'g', T, f1_save, 'b', 'linewidth', 0.8)
% title('< Reference Force >')
% legend('x (m/s)', 'y (m/s)')
% xlabel('t (sec)')
% ylabel('x (m)')
% xlim([0 tf])
% subplot(2,1,2)
% plot(T, f_ref(:,2), 'g', T, f2_save, 'b', 'linewidth', 0.8)
% title('< Force >')
% legend('x (m/s^2)', 'y (m/s^2)')
% xlabel('t (sec)')
% ylabel('x (m)')
% xlim([0 tf])
% figure(6)
% out = zeros(timestep, n_bfs, n_dofs);
% sum = zeros(timestep);
% for n=1:n_dofs
% for b=1:n_bfs
% out(:, b, n) = psi(:, b) * w(n, b).*z(:);
% sum = sum + psi(:, b);
% end
% end
% subplot(2,1,1)
% plot(T, psi);
% xlabel('t')
% ylabel('\psi_i')
% xlim([0 tf])
% subplot(2,1,2)
% plot(T, out(:, :, 1))
% xlabel('t')
% ylabel('\psi_i')
% xlim([0 tf])
% figure(7)
% subplot(2,1,1)
% plot(T, z);
% subplot(2,1,2)
% plot(T, sum);

% title('Animation')
hold on
axis([-0.2 0.2 0 0.4]);
% Draw trajectory
%plot(x_d(:, 1), x_d(:, 2), 'g', 'linewidth', 1)
plot(x_save, y_save, 'b')
xlabel('x (m)')
ylabel('y (m)')
%legend('demonstration', 'reproduction')


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