This repository contain the bioinformatic pipelines and data analysis for Chapters 3 and 4 my thesis: Autonomous Biomolecular Sampling: Enhancing the Temporal annd Spatial Resolution of Ocean Biodiversity
Chapter 3 - Diel Fluxes in prokaryotic and Eukaryotic microbial communities in a highly urbanised tidal esturary (Temporal) Chapter 4 - Comparison of liquid preservative for the long-term (2-month) preservation of nucliec acids (Preservative)
Samples for both the temporal and preservative work were collected processed at the same time. Temporal samples were collected using the Robotic Cartridge Sampling Instrument (RoCSI) and the preservative samples were collected manually from the same water supply.
The repository includes the command line scripts used for QIIME2 bioinformatics and R Markdown HTML files containing the data analysis.