Markdown at link.
These are the scripts that were used in the manuscript "Low-cost, non-invasive classification of pediatric solid tumors using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing of cell-free DNA: a proof-of-principle study" on biorxiv and epigenetics. See also materials and method section of the manuscript for more information.
The classifier was built using publicly available data. Unfortunately, due to data-transfer agreements, it's not possible to cannot share all the source files necessary to reproduce all the results and you will have to request access to the original authors.
The datasets can be obtained from:
- Healthy cfDNA: EGAS00001000566 & GSE79277
- White blood cell: E-MTAB-4187
- Rhabdomyosarcoma: EGAS00001000884
- Ewing sarcoma: GSE89041, GSE97529, GSE90496
- Malignant rhabdoid tumor: GSE107946
- Intracranial tumors: GSE90496
- Neuroblastoma: TARGET-L3: ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/pub/OCG-DCC/TARGET/NBL/methylation_array/
- Osteosarcoma: TARGET-L3: ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/pub/OCG-DCC/TARGET/OS/methylation_array/
- Wilms tumor: TARGET-L3: ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/pub/OCG-DCC/TARGET/WT/methylation_array/
- Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney: TARGET-L3: ftp://anonymous:[email protected]/pub/OCG-DCC/TARGET/CCSK/methylation_array/
After the sequencing run has finished, all fastq.gz files are put into one folder and the snakemake pipeline in the preprocessing folder (code/preprocessing/Bismark_pipeline_SE.snakefile
) was initiated.
- For RRBS data: reads were not deduplicated according to the Bismark user guide.
- For WGBS data: reads were deduplicated.
The .cov.gz files from running bismark methylation extractor were then used either to classify according to the histopathological diagnosis (cfRRBS data) or to add to the reference set (WGBS data).
A .bed file with MspI regions between 20 and 200 bp in the human genome is needed for the steps below. Such a .bed file can be made with mkrrgenome.
This is possible with the -m
flag (sizes are specified with -M
, default 40-220):
./mkrrgenome -g ./GRCh37-lite_chr/ -M 20,200 -H ./GRCh37-lite_chr/rr_ -m 20,200 > RRBS_regions.txt
However, the output of this is not in .bed
format, but can be made with
python -i [input] -o [output]
CpGs were clustered in order to use more mappable reads. We adjusted the target regions to make them more suited for RRBS data. We merged all remaining regions within 1 bp from each other with BEDtools. Finally, clusters were retained if they contain at least 3 CpGs covered on the Illumina HM450K array, resulting in 14103 clusters covering 61750 probes on the HM450K array (RRBS_450k_intersectClusters.tsv
, included in this repository).
The script requires the Infinium HM450K manifest file, HumanMethylation450_15017482_v1-2.csv, and be download from the Illumina website.
The following below is deprecated, see for more info how to perform the deconvolution
builds the input files for
(both the reference set and the samples that need to be classified). It takes the argument --train
for rebuilding the reference set and --viz
for tSNE and UMAP plots (--viz
only works if --train
is enabled). Normally, the reference set should only be built once (but every time a sample or tumor entity is added, it needs to be updated).
The output files (in the example train and test_methy and test_depth) have the same structure as described in the CancerLocator repository.
- The reference set is referred to as "train" in the scripts, but no 'training' is happening like in traditional machine learning algorithms.
- Because the publicly available data all comes in different formats (sometimes a m x n matrix, sometimes m x 1 matrix, sometimes something completely different), every tumor entity has it's own way of importing. There is an example file for each tumor entity to illustrate what the original input file looked like. The beta values in these example files were scrambled.
The wrapper around the NNLS algorithm was cloned from the meth atlas paper repository (, no adjustments to this script were made.
After running the previous steps, there should be at least two files present:
- trainFile: Each line represents a reference sample. The first column is the sample type and the remaining columns are methylation values (beta values) of the clusters.
- testBetaFile: Each line represents a test sample. The first column is the sample type and the remaining columns are methylation values (beta values) of the clusters.
# Classification for plasma samples
inputFile_tumor_atlas = "./resources/train"
inputFile_samples = "./resources/test_beta"
The reference sets used in the manuscripts can be found under code/train_methatlas_*_manuscript.csv
After running the script, the output can be found under ./classifySamples/output/classification/classificationResults_methAtlas.csv
WisecondorX ( was used to generate copy number aberration profiles for both sWGS and cfRRBS data. For this, mapping vs. GRCh38 (as opposed to GRCh37 in the other sections) was done. The reason for not mapping everything vs. GRCh38 was mainly due to compatibility issues, because the Illumina HM450K platform is completely GRCh37-based.
Steps taken to obtain cfRRBS CNA profiles:
- Convert .bam files (after mapping with Bismark and sorting with samtools) to .npz files. with 200kb bins:
WisecondorX convert --binsize 200000 ${BAM} ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${SAMPLE}.npz
- A reference set with healthy controls samples was made. It's essential that this reference set is done with the same DNA isolation, library prep and sequencing machine to account for systematic errors:
WisecondorX newref reference_input_dir/*.npz reference_output.npz --nipt --binsize 400000
- Make CNA calls:
for npz in *_bt2.npz;
WisecondorX predict $npz reference.GRCh38.400kb.npz ./output400kb/$SAMPLE --beta 0.15 --minrefbins 50 --plot --bed
The steps required to obtain sWGS CNA profiles and IchorCNA tumor fraction estimations are described in more detail in code/preprocessing/sWGS_pipeline_SE.snakefile
See RMarkdown notebook for more details.