A Library to control an ESC printer by an ESP32 via Bluetooth BLE
At the moment I don't have an Arduino with Bluetooth BLE, but it could easily be made compatible in the future.
An ESP32 board with Bluetooth BLE and an ESC Bluetooth BLE thermal printer, knowing the UUID of the service and the characteristic.
- Chinese ESC/POS printer called "BlueTooth Printer" & ESP32-S2 super mini, ESP32-C3
Using the image2cpp project to generate the byte array
We upload the image and change the configuration that appears in step 2
In step 4 we select plain bytes and press the Generate Code button
we copy only the generated array and add it to our .ino in the logo array
It is available in the Arduino library manager or you can download the zip to the local /Arduino/libraries path of your IDE, once installed you can see the example in the menu or open it from the examples folder.
You may use this work under the terms of either the MIT License or the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3
thermal, micro, receipt, printer, serial, epson, arduino