An extension to the Zig build system.
Its purpose is to enable a build.zig
script author
to programmatically assemble a collection of assets, each of which is to be embedded with @embedFile
into a module which can be included with @import
To use in your build.zig
first add this project to your build.zig.zon
, for example by running the following command
zig fetch --save git+
Then in your build.zig
you can do
const std = @import("std");
const e = @import("embed-file");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
// both return a pointer of type *e.EmbedFile
const embed_file = e.addEmbedFiles(b);
const alignment: ?u29 = null;
const embed_file_other = e.addEmbedFile("name", "contents", alignment);
// ...
This is the public API of an EmbedFile
pub fn add(embed_file: *EmbedFile, name: []const u8, bytes: []const u8, alignment: ?u29) void {
pub fn addFile(
embed_file: *EmbedFile,
// this is a path to the parent directory of the file to be added
source: std.Build.LazyPath,
// this is the name which will be available when using the resulting Zig module
name: []const u8,
alignment: ?u29,
) void {
pub fn addDirectory(
embed_file: *EmbedFile,
// this is a path to the parent directory of the directory to be added
source: std.Build.LazyPath,
// this allows the user to include or exclude files based on their extensions
options: std.Build.Step.WriteFile.Directory.Options,
// this is the namespace which will be available when using the resulting Zig module
name: []const u8,
// this alignment, if non-null, will be provided to all resulting `@embedFile` declarations
// under this namespace
alignment: ?u29,) void {
/// returns a `LazyPath` to the Zig source file generated from this `EmbedFile`
pub fn getSource(embed_file: *EmbedFile) std.Build.LazyPath {
// ...
/// adds a named WriteFile step that collects all of this EmbedFile's dependencies to write out
pub fn writeSources(embed_file: *EmbedFile, name: []const u8) *std.Build.Step.WriteFile {
// ...
/// a `*Module` containing the Zig source file generated from this `EmbedFile`
/// add it to your compilation by passing it `addImport`,
/// e.g. `exe.root_module.addImport("assets", embed_file.module);`
module: *std.Build.Module,
To see an example of correct usage,
you can clone this repository and run zig build test
in the tests
The resulting Zig file will be placed in test-output/module.zig
relative to the build prefix.
(NB: the resulting module.zig
will not compile without build.zig
since its declarations use module imports that EmbedFile
constructs itself.
Of course, you could rewrite or reproduce these imports yourself.)