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Fit2Geojson is a web tool that converts your FIT or GPX files into GeoJson format. You can use the tool online: Fit2Geojson

FIT file

FIT file is a format used to store fitness activities like biking, running, swimming. It is used by Garmin Devices and Zwift

GPX File

GPX file is a format used to store workout activities like biking, running, swimming. It is used by Strava.


It is a popular format into GEO context. For example is used by web tool, useful to create your custom maps.


I wrote a tutorial about how to: Mapping your sport activity with HERE XYZ Studio

For Developers


Project setup

git clone
cd fit-geojson-vuejs
nvm use
npm install
cp .env.dist .env

Don't forget to specify your environments variables in the .env file then start the app with:

npm run serve

Environments variables:

For Contributors

Please read file. It doesn't matter if you are not a very skilled developers. If you have any suggestion on UI design, on Copywriting, your feedback and suggestion as Pull Request are welcomed!!!