- Cornwall, UK
A Simple C# canopen library with access to hardware via canfestival drivers
Decode satellite signals on Raspberry PI or any other 64-bit CPU.
Workbench for FreeCAD to loads or import Autodesk (R) Inventor (R) files.
Some files for using the lm13700 operational transconductance amplifier with ltspice
martinwag / CANopenNode
Forked from CANopenNode/CANopenNodeCANopen stack base.
Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.
A lightweight, easy-to-use barcode scanning library for iOS 8+
python library for the boards at raspihats.com
dsPIC33E CAN (CANopen) and UART bootloader
Obsolete repository, replaced by CANopenDemo and CANopenLinux
a Funcube Pro Dongle controller library and command line application
robincornelius / mumble
Forked from mumble-voip/mumbleMumble VoIP Client/Server
robincornelius / radegast
Forked from RevolutionSmythe/radegastLightweight client for connecting to Second Life and OpenSim based virtual worlds
Mumble is an open-source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software.
robincornelius / imprudence
Forked from imprudence/imprudenceMetaverse (OpenSim/SL) viewer with an emphasis on usability.
Metaverse (OpenSim/SL) viewer with an emphasis on usability.
this is where we keep source for the grid search engine, bots, and other scripts
mccabe / imprudence
Forked from jacek/imprudenceMetaverse (SL) viewer with an emphasis on usability and bold changes