##Laravel 4, Backbone, Marionette, Jasmine, Karma & Sass Boilerplate
This boilerplate sets up the front-end stuff for a Backbone/Marionette App.
- Uses Grunt for task management.
- Uses Bower for front-end dependencies.
- Uses RequireJs for AMD.
- Uses the Jasmine Testing Framework.
- Uses Karma to Run the tests.
- Has pre-configured build-tasks, including cache-breaking.
- Has Sass & Live-reload support.
#Pre-install If you don't have these - you'll need to install them globally:
npm install -g grunt-cli bower karma
#Install (all steps required!) Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/shakyShane/laravel4-backbone-marionette.git projectDir
Now cd
into that newly created directory
Install Composer
curl -Ss http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php -r "eval('?>'.file_get_contents('https://getcomposer.org/installer'));"
Install Laravel Framework
php composer.phar install
Install NPM dependencies
npm install
Install BOWER dependencies
bower install
Set an application key
php artisan key:generate
Enter your Machine name for Local DEV
// Don't forget this, it's how the correct Javascript file is loaded when you are in dev/production environments
// [bootstrap/start.php]
$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
'local' => array('yourmachinename'),
Seriously. Run php artisan serve
to see for yourself!
I've just done all the boring config stuff for you. You know, like directory structure, setting up modules & grunt tasks and having a build step.
When you use this set up, you get to use AMD for your javascript development locally, and then create a distribution file with a single command grunt js-all
. When you run that, everything gets minified, compiled
down into a single file, all logging is removed & you don't even have to worry about your users having an outdated version of your scripts either because when you run that task, it goes into the
template file and appends a timestamp to the distribution src file (breaking any cached versions on the client-side).
It's configured to run out-of-the-box, but feel free to dive into Gruntfile.js
and make any changes.
You'll notice that all the dependencies are loaded and compiled automatically into a single file & your modules are done separately via AMD. All you need
to do, is run grunt js-all
and forget about it.
As I said, it's fully configured for you already & I've even placed a couple of tests in place, just to show you how to go about loading modules and testing them.
When ready to start the Karma Test Runner, just run:
grunt karma
cd public/js/
karma start
It will continue watching your files and automatically re-run the tests on each save.
You want to load JSON or HTML into your tests from files? No worries, I've pre-configured the Karma Test Runner to use Jasmine-jquery with the correct paths set.
Just take a look at js/test/collections/OrdersSpec.js
to see how to load fixtures into your tests.
Again, all the config is done for you, so you can just dive into the public/sass
directory and edit the files. Assuming you have compass installed, just run grunt server-sass
to automatically watch/compile everything.
// Build all the Javascripts into a single file & break the cache
grunt js-all
// Build JUST the dependencies without your AMD modules. ( useful when you add a new library )
grunt js-deps
// Break the Cache with the latest Javascript build
grunt break_cache:js
// Break the Cache with the latest CSS build
grunt break_cache:css
// Generate the style.css from the Sass files
grunt compass
// Watch all files in the SASS directory & compile on save. (live reload included)
grunt server-sass --force
// Start the Karma server to run all tests
grunt karma
If you have problems with Karma running your tests, check the browsers setting in /public/js/karma.conf.js
- you'll see a comment there that shows how I got it working on Windows