Small fluent interface for caching sequelize database query results in redis/memcached more easily. Simply put, this is a wrapper around sequelize retrieval methods that will automatically check in the configured redis/memcached instance for a value (based on a hash of the query and model name), then retrieve from the database and persist in redis/memcached if not found. It is promise based, so it will resemble sequelize for the most part, and be co/koa friendly.
This project is a fork of sequelize-redis-cache by rfink, but with a new layer of cache supporting also memcached!
npm install sequelize-cacher
var Sequelize = require('sequelize');
var initCache = require('sequelize-cacher');
var redis = require('redis');
// var Memcached = require('memcached');
var cacheEngine = redis.createClient(6379, 'localhost');
// var cacheEngine = new Memcached('localhost:11211');
var db = new Sequelize('cache_tester', 'root', 'root', { dialect: 'mysql' });
var cacher = initCache(db, cacheEgine);
var cacheObj = cacher('sequelize-model-name')
cacheObj.find({ where: { id: 3 } })
.then(function(row) {
console.log(row); // sequelize db object
console.log(cacheObj.cacheHit); // true or false
Check the tests out for more info, but it's pretty simple. The currently supported methods are:
- find
- findOne
- findAll
- findAndCountAll
- all
- min
- max
- sum
This library does not handle automatic invalidation of caches, since it currently does not handle inserts/updates/deletes/etc. I'd be in favor of someone submitting a patch to accommodate that, although I think that would be a significant undertaking.
MIT - roccomuso
MIT - Rekt