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P.O.C. for an operation performer, usable for:

  • devops
  • common operations in your box (backup etc)

Why Please?

To leverage some code and 'cause I'm working in a win based / very close environment...

Please helps me to automate some common operation.

One minute test

git clone git://
gradle installApp
./modules/cli/target/install/please/bin/please reports

How it works

Please works in terms of:

  • operation: anything to do to achieve a goal
  • action: the single step to perform operation
  • ops-file: a file written using a DSL containig operations to perform

Actions help user to define operations without need to write actual code.

If you are a *nix guy, think to operation like a simple shell script and action as the single command; indeed Please gives you actions like: mkdir, exec, etc.

The standard way to run Please is

please <operation>

where <operation> is the identifier for the operation to perform.

Operation is taken from a operation registry containing any operation:

  • built-in in the main Please distribution
  • defined from plugins
  • defined in ops-file

Please is runned with:

$ please opid [args]

this command performs operation 'opid' passing any option.

$ please ops-file   # [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED]

this command (not yet implemented) performs the operation defined as 'default' in a given ops file.

Please looks for the required operation, in:

  • plugins: ie jar files dropped in plugins/ directory, which expose operations as java classes implementing Operation and declared in META-INF/plugin-definitions.please
  • ops-file


By default Please offers you some operation, like 'reports' or 'actions'

To define more operations you have to code a new plugin or write a ops-file.

Ops is a file written in Please DSL located in some directory known to Please.

In this file you can define a operation as a sequence of some action, ie a 'install-tomcat' operation will be defined as:

operation {
    id 'install-tomcat'
    description = 'this operation installs tomcat in /opt/tomcat'
    download {
        url = 'http://...mirror/'
        name = ''
    unzip {
        file =
        destination = '/opt'
    setenv {
        name = 'CATALINA_HOME'
        value = '/opt/tomcat'
    setenv {
        name = 'PATH'
        value = '/opt/tomcat/bin'
        //append = true [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED]

You have some sample file in modules/cli/src/main/dist/conf/ops.d

to see which operations you can run:

bin/please operations

to have a complete report about your actual Please installation:

bin/please reports

This operation gives you a full report about current Please installation:

  • paths where ops files are loaded from
  • executable operations and actions
  • loaded ops files
  • used classpath (useful for debugging)

To have details:

bin/please operations
bin/please actions
bin/please paths
bin/please ops
bin/please classpath

To try some operation, check paths and run:

bin/please $operation

To see what Please would do, without actual perform it, you can run please with --noop (no operation) flag.

A bit more verbose logging will be written in $PLEASE_HOME/logs/ directory.

Ops files

Ops-file is a configuration file (you can think to an Ant build.xml) written using Please domain specific language.

It contains one or more operations definitions.

Every time Please is runned, it looks for ops files in default locations adn parses them.

Default locations for ops files (in order they are scanned from ops loader):

  • $PLEASE_HOME/conf/ops.d : installation level.
  • /etc/please/ops.d : system level for unix-like os.
  • c:\please\ops.d : system level for win os.
  • $HOME/.please/$version/ops.d : user level.

Please DSL

Directory modules/cli/src/main/dist/conf/ops.d contains some sample file. Directory modules/acceptance-tests/src/test/ops contains files used in tests.

Utility methods

Other than operations definitions, in ops file you can use some utility method such as:

  • String date(String format): returns string using SimpleDateFormatter format (default: "yyyyMMddHHmm")

Sample operations

A sample operation to create a zip archive for Please sources:

operation {
    id 'zip-please'
    description = 'build Please zip archive'
    zip {
        source = '/path/to/sources/please'
        destination = "/tmp/please-sources-${date()}.zip"
        excludes = '**/,**/.classpath,**/.project,**/.settings/**,**/target/**,**/test-output/**,*.log'

Grails install on win:

operation {
    id 'install-grails'
    description = 'installs grails framework on a windows machine'
    def baseDir = /D:\dev\grails/
    def zipPath = 'd:/dev/'
    mkdir {
        directory = "${baseDir}"
    download {
        url = ''
        destination = "${zipPath}"
    unzip {
        archive = "${zipPath}"
        destination = "${baseDir}"
    setenv {
        name = 'GRAILS_HOME'
        value = "${baseDir}${File.separator}grails-2.0.0.M2"

You can use variables, and special methods (such as "date()"):

def today = date()
operation {
    id 'create-dir-tree-using-date'
    def baseDir = '/tmp/base/dir'
    mkdir {
        directory = "${baseDir}/create-dir-tree-using-a-var-${today}"
    mkdir {
        directory = "${baseDir}/create-dir-tree-using-date-"+date()
    mkdir {
        directory = "${baseDir}/01/02/03/04"

Built in actions

You can see available actions running

please actions

Copy a file or a directory:

copy {
    from = /C:\path\to\Very-Enterprise-2.0.ear/
    to = releaseDir
    // Check if 'from' file exists? - Set to false if using a from file created from other actions.
    checkFrom = false

Exec a command:

exec {
    def desc = 'deploy-weblogic'
    command = 'cmd /c deploy-weblogic-with-static.bat'
    workingDirectory = /c:\projects\my/
    // comment out if you don't want to use files for standard and error output
    stdOutputFile = "${desc}-output.txt"
    errOutputFile = "${desc}-output.txt"
    // show output?
    show = true

Create a directory:

mkdir {
    directory = "${unzipDir}"

Delete file or directory:

delete {
    path = "${zipDir}/"

Create an archive file or expand it:

zip {
    source = 'd:/export'
    destination = "d:/tmp/export-${date()}.zip"
    //includes = 'please/**'
    excludes = '**/.classpath,**/.project,**/.settings/**,**/target/**,**/test-output/**,*.log'
unzip {
    archive = "${zipDir}/"
    destination = "${unzipDir}"
targz {
    source = 'd:/teamsys/branch_1.0.4.x/webapp-anag/src/main/webapp/static'
    destination = "${zipDir}/static-tarred.tgz"
untargz {
    archive = "${zipDir}/static-tarred.tgz"
    destination = "${unzipDir}"

Download a file:

download {
    url = ''
    destination = 'hello-download-bin.jar'

System properties

If Please has to work using system properties, you can write a file named in $(pwd) or in $HOME/.please/$version/ .

Properties starting with system. are loaded with System.setProperty using the key without the 'system.' prefix.

A sample setting for proxy usage:

system.http.proxySet    = true
system.http.proxyHost    =
system.http.proxyPort    = 3128
system.https.proxySet    = true
system.https.proxyHost    =
system.https.proxyPort    = 3128

This and that


if you are trapped in a win box, you can use paths normalized to '/', (ie c:/programs/woot) or use backslash in a 'slashed' string (ie /c:\projects\my/).


Please uses Gradle as build system;

Tasks to know:

./gradlew installApp      # will create please app in ./modules/cli/target/install/please/

./gradlew distZip          # will create the distribution zip in ./modules/cli/target/distributions/

./gradlew uat              # will build a local install and run user acceptance tests

To create Eclipse IDE files allowing you to import as "Existing Projects in Workspace" from directory modules/:

./gradlew eclipse

To add license headers to new files:

./gradlew license

Special dirs for distribution:

  • modules/clisrc/main/dist will be copied in $PLEASE_HOME

Extending Please

To programmatically extend Please, you can write a plugin.

A plugin is a jar file located in $PLEASE_HOME/plugins.

You can create your operations and actions implementing com.atoito.please.core.api.Operation and com.atoito.please.core.api.Action

Please offers you some utility class to extend:

  • com.atoito.please.core.api.AbstractAction
  • com.atoito.please.core.api.AbstractProvidedOperation

To define operations and actions (ie tell Please that some new operation/action exists) you have to create a "definition-file" located in META-INF/plugin-definitions.please.

Sample content for a definition file:

actions = [ 'copy':'com.atoito.please.core.actions.CopyAction',
            'setenv':'com.atoito.please.core.actions.SetEnvVariableAction' ]
operations = [ 'reports':'com.atoito.please.core.operations.PleaseReportOperation' ]

If operation has to know the 'id' operation has been defined in registry (ie the built in Please reports operation that has different behaviour depending on the call is for 'reports' or 'operations' or 'actions') has to implement IdAwareOperation.

If action creates or uses files it can implement OutputsAware; this way, it receives a list of files registered as output from former actions. Abstract action already implements it. You can look at ZipAction for an output production/consumption example.

If action has to know additional options it has to implement ArgsAwareAction.

When Please is invoked using the --noop option, operation and actions are described using their method String toHuman(); You can use the utility class DescriptionBuilder to build the descriptive string.

Acceptance testing

To create acceptance tests for actions and operations you can extend com.atoito.please.uat.BaseUat class.

To run existent user acceptance tests:

./gradlew uat

Extending DSL

To extend Please DSL you can see at com.atoito.please.dsl.DateAbility, introducing a date() method.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use Xite except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Operations performer







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