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admin page cleanup - added most missing strings
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vinkmar committed Sep 20, 2006
1 parent 6adc1e9 commit 43ba7a1
Showing 1 changed file with 102 additions and 4 deletions.
106 changes: 102 additions & 4 deletions lang/en_utf8/admin.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
$string['notloggedinroleid'] = 'Role for visitors';
$string['defaultuserroleid'] = 'Default role for all users';
$string['hiddenuserfields'] = 'Hide user fields';

$string['htmleditor'] = 'HTML Editor';
$string['misc'] = 'Miscellaneous';
$string['filtersettings'] = 'Filter settings';
Expand All @@ -46,11 +45,9 @@
$string['backups'] = 'Backups';
$string['courserequests'] = 'Course Requests';
$string['themeselector'] = 'Theme Selector';

$string['nonewsettings'] = 'No new settings were added during this upgrade.';
$string['upgradesettings'] = 'New settings';
$string['upgradesettingsintro'] = 'The settings shown below were added during your last Moodle upgrade. Make any changes necessary to the defaults and then click "Save settings" at the bottom of this page.';

$string['nonexistentbookmark'] = 'The bookmark you requested does not exist.';
$string['bookmarkdeleted'] = 'Bookmark deleted.';
$string['nobookmarksforuser'] = 'You do not have any bookmarks.';
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$string['bookmarkadded'] = 'Bookmark added.';
$string['unbookmarkthispage'] = 'unbookmark this page';
$string['bookmarkthispage'] = 'bookmark this page';

$string['savechanges'] = 'Save Changes';
$string['defaultcourseroleid'] = 'Default role for users in a course';
$string['configdefaultcourseroleid'] = 'Users who enrol in a course will be automatically assigned this role.';
$string['enablecourserequests'] = 'Enable course requests';
$string['defaultrequestcategory'] = 'Default category for course requests';
$string['configdefaultrequestcategory'] = 'Courses requested by users will be automatically placed in this category.';
$string['includemoduleuserdata'] = 'Include module user data';
$string['timezone'] = 'Default timezone';
$string['forcetimezone'] = 'Force default timezone';
$string['country'] = 'Default country';
$string['lang'] = 'Default language';
$string['langmenu'] = 'Display language menu';
$string['langlist'] = 'Languages on language menu';
$string['langcache'] = 'Cache language menu';
$string['localetext'] = 'Sitewide locale';
$string['protectusernames'] = 'Protect usernames';
$string['forcelogin'] = 'Force users to login';
$string['forceloginforprofiles'] = 'Force users to login for profiles';
$string['opentogoogle'] = 'Open to Google';
$string['maxbytes'] = 'Maximum uploaded file size';
$string['messaging'] = 'Enable messaging system';
$string['allowobjectembed'] = 'Allow EMBED and OBJECT tags';

#$string['enabletrusttext'] = '';
#$string['configenabletrusttext'] = '';

$string['maxeditingtime'] = 'Maximum time to edit posts';
$string['fullnamedisplay'] = 'Full Name Format';
$string['extendedusernamechars'] = 'Allow extended characters in usernames';
$string['sitepolicy'] = 'Site policy URL';
$string['bloglevel'] = 'Blog Visibility';
$string['loginhttps'] = 'Use HTTPS for logins';
$string['secureforms'] = 'Use additional form security';
$string['restrictmodulesfor'] = 'Restrict modules for';
$string['restrictbydefault'] = 'Restrict modules by default';
$string['defaultallowedmodules'] = 'Default allowed modules';
$string['displayloginfailures'] = 'Display login failures to';
$string['notifyloginfailures'] = 'Email login failures to';
$string['notifyloginthreshold'] = 'Threshold for email notifications';
$string['runclamavonupload'] = 'Use clam AV on uploaded files';
$string['configrunclamavonupload'] = 'When enabled, clam AV will be used to scan all uploaded files.';
$string['pathtoclam'] = 'clam AV path';
$string['quarantinedir'] = 'Quarantine directory';
$string['clamfailureonupload'] = 'On clam AV failure';
$string['themelist'] = 'Theme list';
$string['allowuserthemes'] = 'Allow user themes';
$string['allowcoursethemes'] = 'Allow course themes';
$string['allowuserblockhiding'] = 'Allow users to hide blocks';
$string['showblocksonmodpages'] = 'Show blocks on module pages';
$string['tabselectedtofronttext'] = 'Bring selected tab row to front';
$string['frontpageloggedin'] = 'Front page items when logged in';
$string['configfrontpageloggedin'] = 'The items selected above will be displayed on the site\'s front page when a user is logged in.';
$string['configfrontpage'] = 'The items selected above will be displayed on the site\'s front page.';
$string['sitesectionhelp'] = 'If selected, a topic section will be displayed on the site\'s front page.';
$string['coursesperpage'] = 'Courses per page';
$string['configcoursesperpage'] = 'Enter the number of courses to be display per page in a course listing.';
$string['usehtmleditor'] = 'Use HTML editor';
$string['editorbackgroundcolor'] = 'Background color';
$string['editorfontfamily'] = 'Font family';
$string['editorfontsize'] = 'Font size';
$string['editorfontlist'] = 'Font list';
$string['editorkillword'] = 'Word format filter';
$string['editorhidebuttons'] = 'Hidden buttons';
$string['configeditorfontlist'] = 'Select the fonts that should appear in the editor\'s drop-down list.';
$string['confeditorhidebuttons'] = 'Select the buttons that should be hidden in the HTML editor.';
$string['docroot'] = 'Moodle Docs document root';
$string['doctonewwindow'] = 'Open in new window';
$string['mymoodleredirect'] = 'Force users to use My Moodle';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
$string['pathtozip'] = 'Path to zip';
$string['pathtounzip'] = 'Path to unzip';
$string['pathtodu'] = 'Path to du';
$string['aspellpath'] = 'Path to aspell';
$string['smtphosts'] = 'SMTP hosts';
$string['smtpuser'] = 'SMTP username';
$string['smtppass'] = 'SMTP password';
$string['noreplyaddress'] = 'No-reply address';
$string['allowemailaddresses'] = 'Allowed email domains';
$string['denyemailaddresses'] = 'Denied email domains';
$string['digestmailtime'] = 'Hour to send digest emails';
$string['sitemailcharset'] = 'Character set';
$string['allowusermailcharset'] = 'Allow user to select character set';
$string['dbsessions'] = 'Use database for session information';
$string['sessiontimeout'] = 'Timeout';
$string['sessioncookie'] = 'Cookie prefix';
$string['sessioncookiepath'] = 'Cookie path';
$string['enablerssfeeds'] = 'Enable RSS feeds';
$string['debug'] = 'Debug notices';
$string['perfdebug'] = 'Performance info';
$string['enablestats'] = 'Enable statistics';
$string['statsfirstrun'] = 'Maximum processing interval';
$string['statsmaxruntime'] = 'Maximum runtime';
$string['statsruntimestart'] = 'Run at';
$string['statsuserthreshold'] = 'User threshold';
$string['framename'] = 'Frame name';
$string['slasharguments'] = 'Use slash arguments';
$string['proxyhost'] = 'Proxy host';
$string['proxyport'] = 'Proxy port';
$string['configproxyport'] = 'If this server needs to use a proxy computer, then provide the proxy port here.';
$string['cleanup'] = 'Cleanup';
$string['longtimenosee'] = 'Unsubscribe users from courses after';
$string['deleteunconfirmed'] = 'Delete unconfirmed users after';
$string['loglifetime'] = 'Keep logs for';

// end {added with admin cleanup}

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