This package provides some basic utilities for working with hexagonal grids. It is largely works from Amit Patel's terrific refererence.
Hexagonal grids can be indexed a number of different ways. Indexes are represented with one of the Hexagon types. The following are currently provided:
HexagonAxial(q, r)
HexagonCubic(x, y, z)
HexagonOffsetOddR(q, r)
HexagonOffsetEvenR(q, r)
One indexing system can be converted to another with convert
convert(HexagonOffsetOddR, HexagonAxial(2, 4))
The six points (in cartesian space) of a hexagon can be iterated through with
for (x, y) in vertices(HexagonAxial(2, 3))
# ...
The center point can be obtained with center
x, y = center(HexagonAxial(2, 3))
A point in cartesian space can be mapped to the index of the hexagon that
contains it with the cube_round
h = cube_round(23.5, 4.67)
This library is not mature or complete, but provides just enough to implement hexagonal bin visualizations. If you're hexagon project requires something that's not provided, file bug or pull request.