Get up and running with a customisable electron build process!
This tool will request some configuration for your new electron project and the:
- Unpack
- Apply your custom configuration
The end result is a project scaffold that supports building, debugging and releasing for Windows, Linux and Mac platforms.
npm i electron-accelerator -g
In your project directory.
Usage: electron-accelerator
This will prompt you to input options.
You can also supply these at the command line
Example: electron-accelerator --authorsName=<name>
Required options:
authorsName any string
applicationName any string
platform all, linux, win32 or darwin
architecture all, ia32 or x64
applicationDescription the description of your application
applicationRepository the url of the repository for your application
setupWindowsReleases yes, no
Optional arguments:
squirrelS3Bucket the bucket name where a windows installer can be uploaded
squirrelS3BucketPrefix the bucket prefix
squirrelWindowsUpdateUrl the ur that the windows installer will update from
This will:
- Unpack
- Apply your custom configuration
- Your new project will support
- quickly and easily set up everything you need to get started with electron developmentscript/build
- create custom builds for your required platformsscript/server
- quickly run up your electron build to testscript/server-debug
- quickly run up your electron build with node-inspector debugging