Applitools Eyes SDK For Robot Framework v3.1.2
NOTE: This is a customized version of the Eyes SDK for Robot Framework, slightly modified for backward compatibility with Robot Framework v3.1.2. Using this version of the Eyes SDK for Robot Framework requires a Python environment with carefully selected dependency package versions.
Optional - Install the recommended dependency versions (best done inside of a fresh virtual environment):
pip install --no-deps -r
Install Eyes SDK v5.11.2 For Robot Framework v3.1.2:
pip install --no-deps git+[email protected]
- Complete guide to using Eyes with the Robot framework
- Keyword documentation.
- Configuration file overview
Robot Framework SDK example repo:
IntelliJ (PyCharm and friends) Recommended - most full support
RobotFramework language server based (pip install robotframework-lsp) These plugins have issues with auto-completion of check settings keywords.
IntelliJ (PyCharm and friends)