Calibrate Raman signal (relative wavenumber (1/cm)) using Neon line spectrum. Reference data from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics [1]
Note: Could easily be generalized to other data and other line sources.
Note: Since only care about peak position, ignore all backgrounds in line spectrum of Neon
- Python 2.7, numpy, scipy
- spectra
- requires lmfit
import sys
sys.path.append('calibrate') # make sure python can find all the libraries
import calibrate as cal
neon_file = "/path/to/neon.txt"
data_file = "/path/to/data.txt"
calobj = cal.Calibrate(neon_file,data_file,532.04)
- Use lmfit for linear fit instead of scipy fit.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 95th Edition. (Section 10: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics -> Line Spectra of the Elements)