An online e-commerce bike shop built with React, Redux and Firebase.
Specialized is a globally famous brand that builds the best quality terrain bikes.
I have created a front end web app similar to the specialized website. The app has a clean and responsive UI, and a fully functional cart where a user can Add/Edit/Delete items.
Have a look at the Live version here.
- React with Redux
- Firebase
- Navigation and dynamic routing
- Add/Edit/Delete items to cart
- Firebase google and email authorization
- Firestore for storage
- Cart details persisted in session storage
- Stripe API integration for payment
$ git clone
$ cd specialized
$ npm install
Step 4
- Add Firebase to the project and provide your app's Firebase project configuration to /src/firebase/firebase.utils.js
$ npm start
In browser, open http://localhost:3000
- Single page application routing using react router
- Wiring up redux by setting up the store, reducers, actions
- Working with selectors
- Setting up folder architecture for a large project
- Using firebase with react
- Authentication with email and password using firebase
- Working with SASS
- Persisting redux store data into session storage using redux-persist
- Working with nested routes
- Integrating Stripe API
- Deployment using heroku
MIT © roheat
- Website -
- Twitter - @roheatdotcom
- LinkedIn - Rohith Srivathsav
If you find a bug or improvement, feel free to raise an issue and send a PR!