role-install-gcloud Public
Forked from ansible/role-install-gcloudInstall Google Cloud SDK and Kubernetes kubectl CLI.
Shell MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2017 -
draw2d_js.app.starterkit_angularJS Public
Forked from freegroup/draw2d_js.app.starterkit_angularJSDraw2D + AngluarJS starter kit.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 5, 2016 -
logstash-input-azuremetadata Public
Forked from logstash-plugins/logstash-input-exampleExample input plugin. This should help bootstrap your effort to write your own input plugin!
jaas-ldap-module Public
A simple component to access ldap from jaas framework. Based on SimpleLdapLoginModule (https://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/jetty-ldap-login/source/browse/trunk/src/org/eclipse/jetty/plus/ja…
Java UpdatedSep 18, 2015 -
kafka-rest Public
Forked from confluentinc/kafka-restREST Proxy for Kafka
rest-utils Public
Forked from confluentinc/rest-utilsUtilities and a small framework for building REST services with Jersey, Jackson, and Jetty.
kibana-clock Public
Prueba de extensión de kibana. Se crea un reloj que se puede añadir como componente a los que incluye kibana por defecto.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 3, 2015 -
keedio-shade-plugin Public
This plugins is based on maven-shade-plugin. It has been remiplemented the SimpleRelocation class in order to relocate only the dependency jars not provided excluding the class defined on the main …
flume-taildirectory-source Public
Forked from keedio/flume-taildirectory-sourceJava Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 25, 2015 -
avro_kafka_storm_poc Public
Prueba de concepto de circuito kafka storm con mensajes serializados con Avro utilizando el Schema-Repo como repositorio de esquemas.
Java UpdatedMar 24, 2015 -
storm-metrics-reporter Public
Forked from staslev/storm-metrics-reporterA Storm metrics reporter module.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 13, 2015 -