You can view the demo version of the application using the following links:
A single-page application built with Next.js and the ton-connect library. The app allows users to connect their TonKeeper or any other crypto wallet, view their balance, and make transfers within the TON TestNet network through an intuitive interface.
Connecting a Wallet:
- To link your TonKeeper wallet, click the "Connect Wallet" button.
- In the dialog box, select the TonKeeper wallet or choose any other wallet from the list.
- Confirm the wallet connection.
Sending Funds:
- On the main screen, click the "Send" button to navigate to the transfer page.
- Enter the required amount and recipient's address into the transfer form to initiate the sending process.
- Confirm the transfer in the TonKeeper wallet.
- @tonconnect/ui-react - A library for integrating with the TonKeeper wallet using TonConnect.
- next - A framework for building server-side and static applications with React.
- tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework for designing user interfaces.
- typescript - A programming language for strong typing in JavaScript.
- Clon the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Install dependencies using yarn or npm:
npm install
- Start the application:
npm run dev