Azure Java Spring boot Example integrating with Application Insights
Additional info is available at
Azure App Service - logging and monitoring made easy
Azure App Service - monitoring application behavior (and using custom metrics)
Configure your target App Service in pom.xml
Set APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY in your Azure App Service Application settings
Provide log message in your Azure App Service Application settings
Configure your Azure deployment credentials on maven settings.xml
Configure proxy (if required) As you configure your Java project for ApplicationInsights to allow maven download dependencies you can set maven proxies in your settings.xml (e.g. in %USERPROFILE%/.m2)
Deploy your application and Monitor your log messages and metrics in Azure Application Insights
- Find recent log messages with specific sub-string:
traces | where timestamp > ago(1h) | where message contains 'build' | sort by timestamp desc
- Find count of recent request for each error HTTP code:
requests | where timestamp > ago(1h) | summarize count() by resultCode
- Find recent http errors:
requests | where timestamp > ago(1h) | where toint(resultCode) >=400 and toint(resultCode) != 401 | sort by timestamp desc
- Find recent 5xx errors:
requests | where timestamp > ago(1h) | where toint(resultCode) >=500 | sort by timestamp desc
- Find recent exceptions for specific app (can use cloud_RoleName as filter):
exceptions | where timestamp > ago(1h) | where cloud_RoleName == 'springapitest0003'
| sort by timestamp desc
Note: The cloud_roleName is taken from