- Select or search a meme from a huge collection.
- Swipe up to bring up editing options.
- Swipe left and right to switch between options.
- Lots and lots of fonts to choose from.
- Photos app extension, directly add text to images from the gallery itself.
- Editing options like Alignment, Text Size, Text Color, Outline Width, and Outline Color.
- Pinch to change text size.
- Two finger pan to move text.
- Swipe to add the default text (the title like 'Am I The Only One Around Here', or 'One does not simply', etc)
- Pick up last edited image instantly.
- One click image saving to camera roll.
- One click sharing options.
- Daily inspirational quote.
- Really neat UI design. (Yeah it’s neat, okay)
- Completely free with no ads (and will be that way)
- No disturbing notifications that irritate the users
- IQKeyboardManagerSwift as keyboard utility.
- TextFieldEffects for beautiful text fields.
- SDWebImage for caching and async loading of images.
- SVProgressHUD as a clean and minimal heads up display.
- ChameleonFramework for global app theming.
- DZNEmptyDataSet to easily handle empty data sets.
- SSZipArchive as zip archive utility.
- BWWalkthrough as drop in walkthrough screen utility.