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@bdarnell bdarnell tagged this 04 Sep 05:09

Sep 4, 2012


* Fixed Python 3 bugs in `tornado.auth`, `tornado.locale`, and `tornado.wsgi`.

HTTP clients

* Removed ``max_simultaneous_connections`` argument from `tornado.httpclient`
  (both implementations).  This argument hasn't been useful for some time
  (if you were using it you probably want ``max_clients`` instead)
* `tornado.simple_httpclient` now accepts and ignores HTTP 1xx status

`tornado.ioloop` and `tornado.iostream`

* Fixed a bug introduced in 2.3 that would cause `IOStream` close callbacks
  to not run if there were pending reads.
* Improved error handling in `SSLIOStream` and SSL-enabled `TCPServer`.
* `SSLIOStream.get_ssl_certificate` now has a ``binary_form`` argument
  which is passed to ``SSLSocket.getpeercert``.
* `SSLIOStream.write` can now be called while the connection is in progress,
  same as non-SSL `IOStream` (but be careful not to send sensitive data until
  the connection has completed and the certificate has been verified).
* `IOLoop.add_handler` cannot be called more than once with the same file
  descriptor.  This was always true for ``epoll``, but now the other
  implementations enforce it too.
* On Windows, `TCPServer` uses `SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSER` instead of `SO_REUSEADDR`.


* ``{% break %}`` and ``{% continue %}`` can now be used looping constructs
  in templates.
* It is no longer an error for an if/else/for/etc block in a template to
  have an empty body.


* New class `tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPSTestCase` is like `AsyncHTTPTestCase`.
  but enables SSL for the testing server (by default using a self-signed
  testing certificate).
* `tornado.testing.main` now accepts additional keyword arguments and forwards
  them to `unittest.main`.


* New method `RequestHandler.get_template_namespace` can be overridden to
  add additional variables without modifying keyword arguments to
* `RequestHandler.add_header` now works with `WSGIApplication`.
* `RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` now handles a potential error case.
* `RequestHandler.__init__` now calls ``super().__init__`` to ensure that
  all constructors are called when multiple inheritance is used.
* Docs have been updated with a description of all available
  :py:attr:`Application settings <tornado.web.Application.settings>`

Other modules

* `OAuthMixin` now accepts ``"oob"`` as a ``callback_uri``.
* `OpenIDMixin` now also returns the ``claimed_id`` field for the user.
* `tornado.platform.twisted` shutdown sequence is now more compatible.
* The logging configuration used in `tornado.options` is now more tolerant
  of non-ascii byte strings.
Assets 2