There are two parts to this sprint challenge:
: For this part, you'll be extending the functionality of the breadth-first-search traversal algorithm we worked on so that it's able to find the shortest path between two input graph nodes. You'll find further instructions in the README in the directory. -
: You have been given skeleton code for a very simple social network. You will be filling out a function that shows a user every other user in their extended friend network and the chain of friendships that link them. For testing purposes, you will also be writing a function that creates a large number of users and creates a random distribution of friendships between them.
Good luck and have fun! 😄
Note: The legacy
directory contains an old exercise for archival purposes. You do not need to work on this and it will not be graded.
This challenge allows you to practice the concepts and techniques learned over the past week and apply them in a concrete project. This Sprint explored Graphs. During this Sprint, you studied breadth and depth first traversals and searches along with random graphs. There are two parts to this sprint challenge:
: For this part, you'll be extending the functionality of the breadth-first-search traversal algorithm we worked on so that it's able to find the shortest path between two input graph nodes. You'll find further instructions in the README in the directory. -
: You have been given skeleton code for a very simple social network. You will be filling out a function that shows a user every other user in their extended friend network and the chain of friendships that link them. For testing purposes, you will also be writing a function that creates a large number of users and creates a random distribution of friendships between them.
Read these instructions carefully. Understand exactly what is expected before starting this Sprint Challenge.
This is an individual assessment. All work must be your own. Your challenge score is a measure of your ability to work independently using the material covered through this sprint. You need to demonstrate proficiency in the concepts and objectives introduced and practiced in preceding days.
You are not allowed to collaborate during the Sprint Challenge. However, you are encouraged to follow the twenty-minute rule and seek support from your PM and Instructor in your cohort help channel on Slack. Your work reflects your proficiency graphs and your command of the concepts and techniques from this week's material.
You have three hours to complete this challenge. Plan your time accordingly.
Commit your code regularly and meaningfully. This helps both you (in case you ever need to return to old code for any number of reasons and your project manager.
There are two parts to this sprint challenge:
: For this part, you'll be extending the functionality of the breadth-first-search traversal algorithm we worked on so that it's able to find the shortest path between two input graph nodes. You'll find further instructions in the README in the directory. -
: You have been given skeleton code for a very simple social network. You will be filling out a function that shows a user every other user in their extended friend network and the chain of friendships that link them. For testing purposes, you will also be writing a function that creates a large number of users and creates a random distribution of friendships between them.
and graph_social_network
are worth 10 points each, with a possible 4 extra points by completing the social network stretch goals. Stretch points will only be awarded if all other exercises have been completed. You will need to earn 14 points to reach MVP.
- 1: 0-13
- 2: 14-19
- 3: 20+
If you are close to MVP but a few points short, your PM can award up to 2 extra points if you can explain the errors in your code and how to fix them and for showing active participation and effort with the week's homework assignment.
There are two stretch goals in the graphs_social_network
exercise. You should not work on these until both regular exercises are complete.