This cheasheet is aimed at the CTF Players and Beginners to help them sort Vulnhub Labs on the basis of their difficulty. We have performed and compiled this list on our experience. Please share this with your connections and direct queries and feedback to Pavandeep Singh.
Easy ⤴
- LAMPSecurity: CTF 4
- LAMPSecurity: CTF 5
- LAMPSecurity: CTF 7
- Holynix: v1
- pWnOS -1.0
- pWnOS -2.0
- DE-ICE:S1.120
- Hackademic-RTB1
- Tr0ll 1
- 21 LTR: Scene1
- Kioptrix : Level 1.1
- Kioptrix : Level 1.2
- Kioptrix : Level 1.3
- Kioprtix: 5
- SecOS: 1
- Stapler
- SickOS 1.1
- SickOS 1.2
- Simple
- Kevgir
- Milnet
- Minotaur
- Nullbyte
- VulnOS: 1
- VulnOS: 2.0
- Freshly
- Sedena
- Nightmare
- Orcus
- Billu : B0x
- Moria 1.1
- Lazysysadmin
- Bulldog
- BTRSys:dv 2.1
- BTRSys 1
- RickdiculouslyEasy
- Dina
- Born2Root
- G0rmint
- Basic penetration
- BSides Vancuver: 2018
- Toppo:1
- Billu Box 2
- Basic Pentesting : 2
- FourAndSix : 2
- Jarbas : 1
- Lampiao : 1
- Fowsniff : 1
- Typhoon : 1.02
- DC-1
- SP eric
- DC-2
- DC-3
- Born2Root2
- Sputnik 1
- PumpkinGarden
- PumpkinFestival
- hackme1
- Sunset
- Ted:1
- dpwwn: 1
- The Library:2
- WestWild: 1.1
- dpwwn:2
- Broken: Gallery
- GrimTheRipper:1
- Hack The Kioptrix Level-1
- Seattle
- Zorz
- Pentester Lab: SQL Injection to Shell 1
- Quaoar
- Pluck
- H.A.S.T.E.
- Vulnhub Pentester Lab: S2-052
- unknowndevice64 v2.0
- The Library 2
- West Wild: 2
- Sunset: dawn
- Misdirection 1
- bossplayersCTF 1
- Connect The Dots:1
- Sar
- My File Server:1
- Sahu
- Geisha:1
- Katana
- mhz_cxf:c1f
- Loly: 1
Medium ⤴
- LAMPSecurity: CTF 8
- Xerxes: 1
- DE-ICE:S1.140
- Hackademic-RTB2
- Tr0ll 2
- Skytower
- PwnLab
- Mr. Robot
- Droopy
- Sydney
- Skydog
- Tommyboy
- Fristileaks
- Spyder Sec
- Acid
- Lord of the Root
- Acid Reloaded
- Hackday Albania
- Fortress
- Pipe
- Fartknocker
- Bot Challenge: Dexter
- Defence Space
- Super Mario
- Donkey Docker
- Analougepond
- Zico 2
- Covfefe
- Depth
- The Ether: Evil Science
- DerpNStink
- Bob:1.0.1
- The blackmarket
- Blacklight : 1
- Golden Eye:1
- Temple of Doom
- Wakanda : 1
- ch4inrulz : 1.0.1
- MinU : 1
- Raven
- Matrix : 1
- Raven : 2
- Escalate_Linux
- Mercy
- KFIOFan : 1
- RootThis : 1
- Kuya : 1
- Matrix : 2
- W34kn3ss 1
- Casino Royale
- Unknowndevice64 : 1
- HackinOS : 1
- Web Developer : 1
- SP ike
- DC6
- DC-4
- Development
- Silky-CTF: 0x01
- Bravery
- DC-5
- Happycorp : 1
- Symfonos : 1
- PumpkinRaising
- Matrix-3
- Symfonos : 2
- Beast 2
- Joy
- MinU: v2
- Zeus:1
- DomDom: 1
- SP:Jerome
- The Library 1
- Symfonos:3
- Clamp 1.0.1
- Tr0ll:3
- Nezuko:1
- Serial: 1
- Skydog Con
- Padding Oracle
- Pentester Lab: SQL Injection to Shell 2
- Gibson
- D0not5top
- EW Skuzzy
- 64 Base
- Vulnupload
- Lin.Security
- AI: Web: 1
- Symfonos:4
- Sunset: Nightfall
- DC:7
- AI: Web: 2
- Silky-CTF: 0x02
- HA: Infinity Stones
- DC8
- DC:9
- CyNix:1
- Symfonos:5
- Five86:1
- Five86:2
- EnuBox:Mattermost
- Inclusiveness:1
- 2much:1
- MuzzyBox:1
- VulnUni 1.0.1
- TBBT:2
- CengBox:1
- DMV :1
- CryptoBank: 1
- Tomato: 1
Hard ⤴
- DE-ICE:S1.130
- Breach 1.0
- Breach 2.1
- Billy Madison
- Necromancer
- Cyberry:1
- BSides London 2017
- Game of Thrones
- Trollcave
- The Gemini inc
- PinkyPalace
- Violator
- Bulldog 2
- WinterMute : 1
- /dev/random : K2
- ROP Primer
- Gemini inc : 2
- Moonranker : 1
- Replay : 1
- Torment
- 6 Days
- thewall
- ROP Primer: 1.0.1
- USV:2017
- C0m80
- Teuchter
- Violator
- Prime: 1
- View2aKill
- Tempus Fugit:1