Pollo Salvaje
fastapi-babel Public
Forked from Anbarryprojects/fastapi-babelFastAPI babel support pybable tools like translation of text, formatting of dates, times and numbers, and time zones.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 18, 2024 -
openfoamparser Public
Forked from jvwilliams23/openfoamparserOpenFOAM Python Parser, parse data in OpenFOAM output files to Numpy array.
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 31, 2023 -
agensgraph-python Public
Forked from bitnine-oss/agensgraph-pythonPython Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 22, 2021 -
web-scraping Public
Forked from je-suis-tm/web-scrapingPython web scrapers on commodity future exchanges including CME, LME, SHFE and influential media websites including BBC, Wall Street Journal, Al Jazeera, Reuters, Financial Times, Bloomberg, CNN, F…
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 21, 2019 -
sealed-secrets Public
Forked from bitnami-labs/sealed-secretsA Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2018 -
monero-serialize Public
Forked from ph4r05/monero-serializeMonero serialization python library
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 30, 2018 -
vaderSentiment Public
Forked from cjhutto/vaderSentimentVADER Sentiment Analysis. VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner) is a lexicon and rule-based sentiment analysis tool that is specifically attuned to sentiments expressed in social …
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 23, 2018 -
python-consul Public
Forked from python-consul/python-consulPython client for Consul (http://www.consul.io/)
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 7, 2018 -
quickfix Public
Forked from quickfix/quickfixQuickFIX C++ Fix Engine Library
C++ Other UpdatedMar 27, 2017