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  1. ros_plane_FF ros_plane_FF Public

    Forked from byu-magicc/rosplane

    A fully-featured fixed-wing autopilot for ROS - based on the textbook "Small Unmanned Aircraft: Theory and Practice" by Randy Beard and Tim McLain


  2. GroundStation GroundStation Public

    Forked from rosiebaratta/GroundStation

    RQT plugin to interact with a plane running BYU Magicc's ros_plane autopilot.


  3. rosplane_tools rosplane_tools Public



Showing 3 of 3 repositories
  • GroundStation Public Forked from rosiebaratta/GroundStation

    RQT plugin to interact with a plane running BYU Magicc's ros_plane autopilot.

    rosplane/GroundStation’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 1 0 0 Updated Jun 22, 2017
  • rosplane/rosplane_tools’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 0 0 0 Updated Jun 22, 2017
  • ros_plane_FF Public Forked from byu-magicc/rosplane

    A fully-featured fixed-wing autopilot for ROS - based on the textbook "Small Unmanned Aircraft: Theory and Practice" by Randy Beard and Tim McLain

    rosplane/ros_plane_FF’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 0 49 0 0 Updated Jun 16, 2017


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