Refer to the Serverless Documentation
serverless invoke local --function create --path mocks/create-event.json
serverless invoke local --function get --path mocks/get-event.json
serverless invoke local --function list --path mocks/list-event.json
serverless invoke local --function update --path mocks/update-event.json
serverless invoke local --function delete --path mocks/delete-event.json
To deploy the entire service to AWS:
serverless deploy
To deploy a single function to AWS:
serverless deploy function -f create
Install the apig-test cli first
npm install -g aws-api-gateway-cli-test
Then run the following command to test the full API deployment using a test Cognito user. Be sure to fill in the user-pool-id, app-client-id, identity-pool-id and invoke-url. NOTE the invoke URL can be found from the output of running serverless deploy
- its the full URL without the path and no trailing slash. For example:
apig-test \
--username='[email protected]' \
--password='Passw0rd!' \
--user-pool-id='' \
--app-client-id='' \
--cognito-region='ap-southeast-1' \
--identity-pool-id='' \
--invoke-url='' \
--api-gateway-region='ap-southeast-1' \
--path-template='/notes' \
--method='POST' \
--body='{"content":"hello world","attachment":"hello.jpg"}'