Transmission Web Control is a custom web UI. The project was originally written by ronggang. Welcome to give me any feedback or submit a Pull Request.
Transmission 2.40 and above (RPC version: 14 and above)
A browser which supports HTML5 and ES Module. (Chrome 63,Firefox 67,Edge 79, Safari 11.1, Opera 50)
- Add torrent files or URLs
- Drag-and-drop to add torrent files
- Modify Transmission settings online (Download folder, Speed limit, Port, etc.)
- Pause / resume / recheck selected or all torrents
- View the current torrents status (Files, Peers, Trackers etc.)
- View Statistics (Cumulative/Current)
- Pagination
- Set files priority
- Change the torrent download directory
- Trackers list
- Multi-language support.
- Support data folder display in the navigation bar.
- Support "user label" feature, you can use it to classify torrent.
Please help us translation this project in to multiple language on transifex, or review current translations.
git clone
cd transmission-web-control
# corepack enable
# corepack prepare --activate
pnpm i
pnpm run start
本项目主要目的是想加强Transmission Web 的操作能力,本项目原本在Google Code托管,现迁移至 GitHub。 本项目设计之初仅针对 PT 站,因此增加了 Tracker 服务器分组及状态,但这不并适用于普通 BT 种子。
另外,本项目仅为一套自定义的 WebUI,不能代替 Transmission 工作,用户需要自行安装 Transmission 后才可正常使,Transmission 安装方法请移步至官网: