super cheap solidity schnorr sig verification using only ecrecover and keccak256
A simple, zero-dependencies library to parse environment variables into structs
Firefox extension for managing tabs and bookmarks in sidebar.
An unofficial Copilot plugin for Emacs.
Invoke is a leading creative engine for Stable Diffusion models, empowering professionals, artists, and enthusiasts to generate and create visual media using the latest AI-driven technologies. The …
Code for loralib, an implementation of "LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models"
Standard Go Project Layout
Debug your GitHub Actions via SSH by using tmate to get access to the runner system itself.
A Tool to Annotate and Prioritize Exome Variants
Constructive Solid Geometry utility code in C++ (ported from a JS Library).
Webinterface for glad ->
A script suite to create multiboot USB stick for GNU/Linux distributions
C++ header-only library with methods to efficiently encode/decode Morton codes in/from 2D/3D coordinates
A small data-oriented and SIMD-optimized 3D rigid body physics library.
Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile)
Simple sweep line visibility polygon algorithm implementation
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
Minimal example of animating the HTML5 canvas from C++ using SDL through WebAssembly
Modern open source C++ FIX framework featuring complete schema customisation, high performance and fast development.
A C/C++ minor mode for Emacs powered by libclang
A client/server indexer for c/c++/objc[++] with integration for Emacs based on clang.
Stan development repository. The master branch contains the current release. The develop branch contains the latest stable development. See the Developer Process Wiki for details.