This repo has the code for
- Cloudflare Workers for computing
- D1 for database
- Wrangler for building
- Typescript for better Javascript
- Tailwind CSS for the UI
- React for DOM interaction
- Rollup and plugins for bundling the project
- You need a Cloudflare Account
- You need to get D1 enabled for your account
- Please join our developers Discord
- Please install nodejs (we're using v18.8.0), npm and npx
[email protected]:cloudflare/d1-northwind.git
npm install
npx wrangler d1 create d1-northwind
npx wrangler d1 create d1-northwind-staging
Get the output database id and add it to wrangler.toml
binding = "DB"
database_name = "d1-northwind"
database_id = "..."
npx wrangler d1 execute d1-northwind --file db/schema.sql
npx wrangler d1 execute d1-northwind --file db/data.sql
Do the same for northwind-staging if you need the staging environment.
KV is used to store the React application
npx wrangler kv:namespace create assets
npx wrangler kv:namespace create assets --preview
Add the ids to wrangler.toml
Northwind is a React/Redux/Tailwind CSS application. The source code is in the app folder folder.
To build a new version run:
npx rollup -c
Worker serves both the React app bundles from KV, and the Database API endpoints. The source code is in the worker folder.
To build it run:
npx rollup -c rollup.worker.config.js
Or run:
make build
Which will build both the React app, and the Worker. Running wrangler also watches and rebuilds the worker.
Wrangler D1 has support for local development:
npx wrangler d1 execute d1-northwind --file db/schema.sql --local
npx wrangler d1 execute d1-northwind --file db/data.sql --local
npx wrangler dev --local --persist --env local --assets local-assets --ip
Wrangler will persist a local SQLite compatible sql file which you can access to with other clients:
sqlite3 .wrangler/state/d1/DB.sqlite3
You can test things in the developer environment, remotely.
npx wrangler kv:key put app.js --path ./dist/app.js --binding assets --env dev --preview
npx wrangler kv:key put app.css --path ./dist/app.css --binding assets --env dev --preview
npx wrangler dev --env dev
Or just run
make dev
Deploy to production when you're done.
npx wrangler kv:key put app.js --path ./dist/app.js --binding assets --env production
npx wrangler kv:key put app.css --path ./dist/app.css --binding assets --env production
npx wrangler publish --env production
Or simply
make publish
Adding something like this will bind the worker to a specific route/domain.
route = "*"