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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P2Ch02a_LimitsColimitsExtras.lhs

CTFP Part 2 Chapter 1. Limits and Colimits - example from category-extras

Edward Kmett's, now obsolete, category-extras package contains definition of limit and colimit for Haskell Data.Functor functors.
I have linked the last nicely navigable hackage version of category-extras. That package is still a treasure trove except for its rule to not exceed one line of explanation per typeclass and in most cases per module.

This note maps category-extras code definitions to the construction of limit and colimit presented in CTFP Part 2. Ch.1 Limits and Colimits.

 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes
  , ExistentialQuantification 
  , TypeOperators

 module CTNotes.P2Ch02a_LimitsColimitsExtras where
 import CTNotes.P1Ch10_NaturalTransformations ((:~>))
 import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
 import Data.Functor.Const (Const(..))

CTPF considers the general case of limits of functors D:: I -> C.
These define a lot of interesting commuting diagrams in D. Even if I is a very trivial (finite) category, this often generates quite interesting diagrams (pullback, equalizer, pushout). Unfortunately, these diagrams do not map easily to Haskell. For example, MondadPlus is not a pullback of Monad and Alternative, instead it defines its own mzero and mplus.
(I think that this type of stuff is hard, maybe impossible for a programming language to support).
This note focus is a more straightforward application of the limit concept, one that assumes I = C = Hask.

Data.Functor Limit and universal quantification

Using notation from the book, if we take I = C = Hask and D = f, where f is a Data.Functor functor, what would be the Lim f? (If one exists of course.)
By definition, that would be a type LimitF (a regular kind * type) that has a nice natural transformation from Const LimitF to f

type LimitF = ...
cone :: Const LimitF :~> f 
-- or isomorphically just
cone :: forall x. LimitF -> f x 

Consider ADT that looks like

 data FooBar x = NoX | AnotherNoX | SomeX x | AnotherSomeX x | Some2X x x

The only way to get a polymorphic function from something not dependent on x to FooBar is to use NoX or AnotherNoX data constructor. I need a way to transform FooBar to a type that keeps constructors that 'do not depend on x'. For FooBar, that type would be (this is a regular type with no type variables):

data LimitFooBar = NoX | AnotherNoX 

Fortunately, if type system supports universal quantification we can do just that. category-extras defines

 type Limit f = forall a. f a 

(I read it as keep the data constructors that do not depend on a)

What is cool about it is that Limit can be viewed as categorical formulation of universal quantification (ignoring complexity of ranks).

Limit f cone
It is easy to see that Limit f is an apex of a cone based on f:

 limitCone :: Limit f -> f x
 limitCone = id 

(This code says that if we have f x for all x we also have if for fixed x. That is the type application reduction rule in System F.)

Note: Currently, GHC (8.x) has problem with higher-rank type inference or impredicative polymorphism and this (more correct but isomorphic) declarations
limitCone :: Const (Limit f) x -> f x or
limitCone :: Const (Limit f) :~> f do not compile.

TODO it would be good to understand this limitation better.

Universality: Assume another type c with natural transformation cone :: Const c :~> f. This is equivalent to having a polymorphic function cone :: forall a . c' -> f a. We can easily factorize this (pseudo code of course):

factor :: c' -> Limit f
factor = cone

Parametricity enforces commutativity conditions, so indeed Limit f is the limit of f in the categorical sense.


Since not all Data.Functor functors have limits category-extras includes

 class HasLimit f where
   limit :: f a

The function limit returns a value that belongs to the Limit f type.
Think of limit as a proof of type Limit f. To prove Limit f you need to show that the type is inhabited.

 instance HasLimit FooBar where
   limit = NoX

In many cases the limit type is inhabited by only single value:

 instance HasLimit Maybe where
   limit = Nothing
 instance HasLimit [] where
	  limit = []

but this does not need to always be the case.

Intuitively, I view Limit as (* -> *) -> * type operator that strips all constructors that depend to the parameter type. A stricter view is that Limit f is a regular * type inhabited by values that all types f a have.

Limit as a Natural Isomorphism

Following the book (section with the same title)
"A functor D from I to C has a limit Lim D if and only if there is a natural isomorphism between the two functors":

C(b, Lim F) ≃ Nat(Δb, F)

(This formula says that factorizing morphisms are equivalent to natural transformations that define the limit candidate b.)
(Δb is constant functor maps all objects into b and all morphisms into id_b)

I can use it to derive Limit f. Using pseudo Haskell:

Nat(Δb, F)  ==  --Haskell def on Natural Transformation
forall a . Const b a -> f a ~= -- def of Const and getConst isomorphism (see iso1a, iso1b)
forall a . b -> f a ~= -- b does not depend on a (see iso2a, iso2b)
b -> forall a . f a == -- def of Limit f
b -> Limit f  ==
C(b, Lim F)

Here are the isomorphisms from the above equational reasoning spelled out in Haskell:

 iso1a :: (forall a. Const b a -> f a) ->  (forall a. b -> f a)
 iso1a f = f . Const 
 iso1b :: (forall a. b -> f a) -> (forall a . Const b a -> f a)
 iso1b f = f . getConst

 iso2a :: (forall a . b -> f a) -> (b -> forall a . f a)
 iso2a = id
 iso2b :: (b -> forall a . f a) -> (forall a . b -> f a)
 iso2b = id

Non-Hask Categories, Control.Arrow

Seems that (at least morally) the above Limit definition

type Limit f = forall a. f a

works for some non-Hask categories, in particular arrows (as defined in Control.Arrow, see CTNotes.P1Ch08c_BiFunctorNonHask note).
We would take I = (->), C = ar (where ar represents arrow or some other non-(->) category defined on * types).

For arrows, as functor f we could consider arr itself (arrow laws require that arr is a functor) or arr composed with some functor fa CFunctor ar ar fa (see N_P1Ch07b_Functors_AcrossCats).

The problem is with writing expressions like (impredicative polymorphism limitations):

coneA :: ar (forall a . f a) f a

however if these were possible I would expect the arrowized versions of the above logic to work

limitConeA :: Arrow ar => ar (forall a . f a) f x
limitConeA = id

given coneA :: forall a . ar c (f a) or coneA :: forall a . ar (Const c x) (f x) I should be able to write it as coneA :: ar c (forall a . f a) which is the universal construction factorization I need. To do stuff like this, there is a need to move between expressions ar (Const c x) (f x) and ar c (f a). This is exactly the iso1a, iso1b above and is part of equational reasoning needed to show C(b, Lim F) ≃ Nat(Δb, F).

This seems doable if the ar :: * -> * category satisfies some weak profunctor properties:

 class WeakProfunctor p where 
   lmap :: (a -> b) -> p b c -> p a c

 iso1'a :: WeakProfunctor ar => (forall a. ar (Const b a) (f a)) -> (forall a. ar b (f a))
 iso1'a f = lmap Const f 
 iso1b' :: WeakProfunctor ar => (forall a. ar b (f a)) -> (forall a . ar (Const b a) (f a))
 iso1b' f = lmap getConst f 

So I believe, at least morally, the definition of Limit for Hask endofuntors extends to more general functors from Hask to some more exotic categories.

TODO this thinking could be expanded.

Functor Colimit

Reversing arrows give us this 'for free':

 data Colimit f = forall a. Colimit (f a)

Colimit uses existential quantification (ExistentialQuantification or GADTs pragma). Data constructor Colimit hides a:

:t Colimit
Colimit :: f a -> Colimit f

The Limit was very restrictive effectively intersecting values across all types f a, CoLimit is very permissive allowing any value from any type f a. Still Colimit f is just a regular (not parametrized) type of kind *. That permissiveness allows for hiding of implementation details.
Permissiveness is in construction

 fooBar :: Colimit FooBar
 fooBar = Colimit $ SomeX 15

hiding is in the deconstruction

 inspect :: Colimit FooBar -> String
 inspect (Colimit NoX) = "NoX"
 inspect (Colimit AnotherNoX) = "AnotherNoX"
 inspect (Colimit (SomeX _)) = "SomeX ButNoClueWhich"
 inspect (Colimit (AnotherSomeX _)) = "AnotherSomeX ButNoClueWhich"
 inspect (Colimit (Some2X _ _)) = "Some2X ButNoClueWhich"

And that is mostly that.