Multi-Machine Vagrant Environments: This Vagrantfile will create 3 Ubuntu 20.04 VM's to simulate Ansible control machine and 2 target hosts.
- Host1 - No GUI
- Host2 - No GUI
- ansible-host - No GUI, ansible core installed
- Internet connection is a must!
- Make sure the VT support is enabled on your BIOS
- Vagrant - 1.9.x or higher
- Vagrant plugins - vagrant-proxyconf - needed if you are running behind proxy
- Ansible: latest
- Virtualbox: latest
First find out the name of the hypervisor:
$ lsmod | grep kvm
kvm_intel 204800 6
kvm 593920 1 kvm_intel
irqbypass 16384 1 kvm
The one we're interested in is kvm_intel. You might have another.
Blacklist the hypervisor (run the following as root):
$ echo 'blacklist kvm-intel' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
Restart your machine and try running vagrant again.
- inventory
- playbook.yaml
- inventory-test.yaml
Before you run vagrant up, make sure that you updated the Vagrantfile to your desired configuration.
Once you are done:
vagrant up Wait for about 6 minutes to finish the build. Once done. You can try to ssh to your ansible-host vm. You can verify this by using "vagrant status"
vagrant ssh ansible-host once you are login to your ansible-host vm, you can now verify if the other vm are reachable. The command to use is: "ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook/ping.yml"
- Defines the VM's with static private IP addresses, vcpu, memory and vagrant-box
- Calls "" which puts IP/hostname information into /etc/hosts. This sets the host specific behavior of the playbook.
- Calls "playbook.yml" to config each box.