Staging project for various screens and features to be included in Phlex Swim Apple Watch Application.
This is a staging view that implements Lottie animation for the watch to guide the user through an initial fitness test.
The 3 minute test will
- Introduce user to the test set concept
- Run them through a 5 minute warmup
- Prompt them just before the 3 minute test
- Run them through a 3 minute test set and allow them to manually end it, but notify them once 3 minutes hits(they will need to reach the next wall and end the workout on their own).
- Congratulations view should also do the background processing and logging of the users test set and confirm that it was communicated.
Staging this for a TimerManager combine class that can control the time & limited relative healthkit recording properties for a user to do the 3 minute test (above).