A RESTful API developed for managing the university timetable system, facilitating the creation, modification, querying of class schedules, and enroll to the courses.
Restaurant Reservation System - REST Backend with Java Spring Boot / MongoDb and Postgres / JWT Security
end to end application using angular and microservices
A Spring Boot project to implement JWT authentication using Spring Security and java-jwt package
Basic skeleton for Spring Boot Microservices. It includes spring spring security for basic Auth. Spring Cloud Gateway is also implemented as an API gateway. Lots of the spring cloud component integ…
Angular 11 Spring Boot JWT Authentication example with Authorization | User Registration & Login
Secures REST APIs with Spring Security and JWT Token based Authentication
[네이버 & 카카오 동시 합격] 전국 배달음식점과 소비자를 연결하는 API 서버