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RStudio Pro Products Docker Images

Docker images for RStudio Professional Products

IMPORTANT: There are a few things you need to know before using these images:

  1. These images are provided as a convenience to RStudio customers and are not formally supported by RStudio. If you have questions about these images, you can ask them in the issues in the repository or to your support representative, who will route them appropriately.
  2. Outdated images will be removed periodically from DockerHub as product version updates are made. Please make plans to update at times or use your own build of the images.
  3. These images are meant as a starting point for your needs. Consider creating a fork of this repo, where you can continue to merge in changes we make while having your own security scanning, base OS in use, or other custom changes. We provide instructions for building for these cases.


Professional Products

Supporting Images

Preview Images

IMPORTANT: Do not use these images. They are in preparation for a future release

RStudio Team

We provide a docker-compose.yml that could help to spin up default configurations for RStudio Team (all RStudio products together).

If you are using this locally you need to setup some hostnames to point to localhost in order for some integrations to work fine in your browser. In your /etc/hosts add one line: rstudio-server-pro rstudio-connect rstudio-pm
# Replace this with valid licenses

docker-compose up

Privileged Containers

Each of these images uses the --privileged flag for user and code isolation and security. Each product differs in the exact reasons why, but we would love to hear from you if this is concerning in your infrastructure. See RStudio Professional Product Root & Privileged Requirements for more information.

If you have feedback on any of our professional products, please always feel free to reach out on RStudio Community, to your Customer Success representative, or to [email protected].

Instructions for building

After you have cloned rstudio-docker-products, you can create your own containers fairly simply with the provided Makefile.

To build RStudio Server Pro:

make server-pro

To build RStudio Connect:

make connect

To build RStudio Package Manager:

make package-manager

You can alter what exactly is built by changing server-pro/Dockerfile, connect/Dockerfile, and package-manager/Dockerfile.

You can then run what you've built to test out with the run- commands. For instance, to run the server-pro container you have built:

make run-server-pro

Note you must have a license in place, and all of the other instructions in separate sections are still relevant.

If you have created an image you want to use yourself, you can push to your own image repository system. The images are named rstudio-server-pro, rstudio-connect, and rstudio-package-manager.


The license associated with the RStudio Docker Products repository is located in

As is the case with all container images, the images themselves also contain other software which may be under other licenses (i.e. bash, linux, system libraries, etc., along with any other direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

It is an image user's responsibility to ensure that use of this image (and any of its dependent layers) complies with all relevant licenses for the software contained in the image.