This is the official implementation of RNb-NeuS: Reflectance and Normal-based Multi-View 3D Reconstruction.
Baptiste Brument*, Robin Bruneau*, Yvain Quéau, Jean Mélou, François Lauze, Jean-Denis Durou, Lilian Calvet
dvd(2024/09/25): Python version: 3.9.13
git clone
cd RNb-NeuS
pyenv local 3.11.3 # If using pyenv only
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/Scripts/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip3 install torch torchvision --index-url
pip install opencv-python-headless
pip install trimesh
pip install tensorboard
pip install tqdm
pip install pyhocon
pip install icecream
pip install scipy
pip install PyMCubes==0.1.6
dvd(2024/10/11): For cluster
qlogin -q gpu
module load python # Check which version with module avail python
python -m venv .venv
source /work/imvia/de1450bo/repos/RNb-NeuS-fork/.venv/bin/activate
/work/imvia/de1450bo/repos/RNb-NeuS-fork/.venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip
/work/imvia/de1450bo/repos/RNb-NeuS-fork/.venv/bin/python -m pip install torch torchvision --index-url
/work/imvia/de1450bo/repos/RNb-NeuS-fork/.venv/bin/python -m pip install opencv-python-headless trimesh tensorboard tqdm pyhocon icecream scipy PyMCubes==0.1.6
# example:
/work/imvia/de1450bo/repos/RNb-NeuS-fork/.venv/bin/python --mode train_rnb --conf /work/imvia/de1450bo/repos/RNb-NeuS-fork/confs/wmask_rnb.conf --case bearPNG_002
dvd(2024/09/28): Python version: 3.9.13
Our data format is inspired from IDR as follows:
|-- cameras.npz # camera parameters
|-- normal
|-- 000.png # normal map for each view
|-- 001.png
|-- albedo
|-- 000.png # albedo for each view (optional)
|-- 001.png
|-- mask
|-- 000.png # mask for each view
|-- 001.png
One can create folders with different data in it, for instance, a normal folder for each normal estimation method.
The name of the folder must be set in the used .conf
We provide the DiLiGenT-MV data as described above with normals and reflectance maps estimated with SDM-UniPS. Note that the reflectance maps were scaled over all views and uncertainty masks were generated from 100 normals estimations (see the article for further details).
Train with reflectance
python --mode train_rnb --conf ./confs/CONF_NAME.conf --case CASE_NAME
Train without reflectance
python --mode train_rnb --conf ./confs/CONF_NAME.conf --case CASE_NAME --no_albedo
Extract surface
python --mode validate_mesh --conf ./confs/CONF_NAME.conf --case CASE_NAME --is_continue
Additionaly, we provide the five meshes of the DiLiGenT-MV dataset with our method here.
If you find our code useful for your research, please cite
title={RNb-Neus: Reflectance and normal Based reconstruction with NeuS},
author={Baptiste Brument and Robin Bruneau and Yvain Quéau and Jean Mélou and François Lauze and Jean-Denis Durou and Lilian Calvet},
booktitle={IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},