This skill allows users to get updates about buses coming to saved bus stop in London
Skill is available at Amazon Alexa Store for free
Service is Powered by TfL Open Data
Alexa ask bus stop for update
To get updates about busses coming to saved bus stop
Alexa ask bus stop for setup
To configure skill. You'll be required to find 5 digit bus stop number either from plate at bus stop or online on TfL website. Unfortunatelly I couldn't find simpler way to configure it. If you have suggestions please open an issue or make PR
Please follow these links and use oneliner provided below to filter out London bus stops and generate dataset recognized by application
echo "stop_id\tstop_code\tstop_name\tstop_lat\tstop_lon\tstop_url\tvehicle_type" > LondonStops.tsv
egrep "^49" Stops.txt >> LondonStops.tsv
- Python 3.5,
sudo apt-get install python3.5 python3-setuptools python3.5-dev build-essential
- (inside virtualenv)
pip install flask flask-ask encodings requests