openSquat is an opensource Intelligence (OSINT) security tool to identify cyber squatting threats to specific companies or domains, such as:
- Phishing campaigns
- Domain squatting
- Typo squatting
- Bitsquatting
- IDN homograph attacks
- Doppenganger domains
- Other brand/domain related scams
It does support some key features such as:
- Automatic newly registered domain updating (once a day)
- Levenshtein distance to calculate word similarity
- Fetches active and known phishing domains (Phishing Database project)
- IDN homograph attack detection
- Integration with VirusTotal
- Integration with Quad9 DNS service
- Use different levels of confidence threshold to fine tune
- Save output into different formats (txt, JSON and CSV)
- Can be integrated with other threat intelligence tools and DNS sinkholes
As an opensource project, everyone's welcome to contribute.
Check the 40 seconds Demo Video (v1.95)
- Phishy Domains for a simple web version of the openSquat.
- openSquat Bot for a simple Telegram bot.
- RapidAPI to integrate your application with openSquat using REST API.
Note: The forks do not contain all the openSquat features.
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you have Python 3.6+ and pip3 in your environment
To update your current version, just type the following commands inside the openSquat directory:
git pull
pip install -r requirements.txt
The "pip install" is just to make sure no new libs were added with the new upgrade.
Edit the "keywords.txt" with your customised keywords to hunt.
# Lazy run with default options
# for all the options
python -h
# Search for generic terms used in phishing campaigns (can lead to false-positives)
python -k generic.txt
# With DNS validation (quad9)
python --dns
# Subdomain search
python --subdomains
# Check for domains with open ports 80/443
python --portcheck
# With Phishing validation (Phishing Database)
python --phishing phish_results.txt
# Save output as JSON
python -o example.json -t json
# Save output as CSV
python -o example.csv -t csv
# Conduct a certificate transparency (ct) hunt
python --ct
# Period search - registrations from the last month (default: day)
python -p month
# Tweak confidence level. The lower values bring more false positives
# (0: very high, 1: high (default), 2: medium, 3: low, 4: very low
python -c 2
# All validations options
python --phishing phishing_domains.txt --dns --ct --subdomains --portcheck
You can set up openSquat to run automatically using a task scheduler (such as crontab for Linux) to generate a new list of results daily.
We update our feeds with a fresh new list of domains every day around 7.30 am (UTC+0 / GMT+0)
# Crontab example - run openSquat every day at 8 am
# In this example, the results are saved to a JSON file format
0 8 * * * /home/john/opensquat/ -k keywords.txt -o results.json -t json
You can use this output file to feed your SIEM, SOAR, or other tools that support importing from TXT/JSON/CSV formats.
Alternatively, currently in a Beta preview you can integrate using REST APIs, your application with RapidAPI
Do you have an integration idea or would like to share an integration you developed with our community? Open a GitHub issue or send me an email.
Integration with VirusTotal (VT) for subdomains validation- Integratration with VirusTotal (VT) for malware detection
Use certificate transparencyHomograph detectiondoneImprove code quality from B to A grade (codacy)PEP8 compliance- AND logical condition for keywords search (e.g: google+login) - Thanks to Steff T.
- Enhanced documentation
To request a new feature, create a "new issue" and describe the feature and potential use cases. You can upvote the "issue" and contribute to the discussions if something similar already exists.
- Check the CHANGELOG file.
Project founder
- Andre Tenreiro (LinkedIn)
- [email protected] - remove the "nospam" - PGP Key
- Please check the contributors page on GitHub
You can help this project in many ways:
- Providing your time and coding skills to enhance the project
- Build a decent but simple project webpage
- Provide access to OSINT feeds
- Open new issues with new suggestions, ideas, bug report or feature requests
- Spread this project within your network
- Share your story how have you been using the openSquat and what impact it brought to you