machine-learning-specialization Public
Forked from learnml/machine-learning-specializationJupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 13, 2016 -
datasharing Public
Forked from jtleek/datasharingThe Leek group guide to data sharing
UpdatedApr 2, 2015 -
twitter_nlp Public
Forked from aritter/twitter_nlpUW Twitter NLP Tools
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 17, 2013 -
django-allauth Public
Forked from pennersr/django-allauthIntegrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication. Visit http://jug.gl for a live demo ...
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 4, 2012 -
lastuser Public
Forked from hasgeek/lastuserUser management in each new app is a pain. This is the last time you should be doing it
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedSep 2, 2012 -
Django-facebook Public
Forked from tschellenbach/Django-facebookFacebook open graph api implementation using the Django web framework in python
Python Other UpdatedAug 24, 2012 -
web-hackbook Public
Hackbook for Web shows a lot of Facebook Platform's functionality including Graph API, checking a user in, and posting to their Timeline. It's optimized for a mobile display.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 9, 2012 -
Spoon-Knife Public
Forked from octocat/Spoon-KnifeThis repo is for demonstration purposes only. Comments and issues may or may not be responded to.
UpdatedOct 31, 2011