Remember is a simple tool to keep task/notes with markdown, also work as a CMS to manage documents/attachments.
This web app is created with Angular and Flask.
To start this app, please follow below steps.
- Install Python27
- Navigate to the root folder with
cd Remember
- run
pip install -r python_requirements.txt
- run
npm install
- run
bower install
Before start the app, please create the db first:
- Navigate to the db utils folder with
cd db_utils
- run
- run
- Navigate to the db utils folder with
Run default gulp task to import related JavaScript lib from bower folder:
- run
- run
Start the app:
- Navigate to the root folder with
cd Remember
- run
- Navigate to the root folder with
Now visit http://localhost:5000/
Python style check with pylint
pylint --rcfile=pylint.conf app
JavaScript style check with jshint
gulp jshint
Run JavaScript unit test
karma start
- check the test coverage at "Remember\TestFiles\coverage" folder
Some atomic gulp tasks under "Remember\gulp_tasks\atomic_tasks"
app.debug = True
in "Remember\" to disable debug mode- In non-debug mode, Flask will leverage minified HTML/CSS/JS to reduce HTTP request number/size
- Minified HTML/CSS/JS were saved in "Remember\app\build\templates" and "Remember\app\build\static"