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Rundeck EC2 Nodes Plugin

Build Status

This is a Resource Model Source plugin for Rundeck that provides Amazon EC2 Instances as nodes for the Rundeck server.


Download from the releases page.

Put the rundeck-ec2-nodes-plugin-1.5.x.jar into your $RDECK_BASE/libext dir.

Release Notes

See changes under Github Releases

(Older Release Notes)


See: Rundeck Docs > User Guide > Node Sources Overview

The provider name is: aws-ec2

Here are the configuration properties:

  • accessKey: API AccessKey value (if not using IAM profile)
  • secretKey: API SecretKey value (if not using IAM profile)
  • endpoint - The URL of the AWS endpoint to use, or blank for the default endpoint. Can be a comma-separated list of endpoints (e.g., to integrate with multiple regions. See Amazon EC2 Regions and Endpoints for list of endpoints.
  • synchronousLoad: Do not use internal async loading behavior. (boolean, default: true)
  • refreshInterval: Unless using Synchronous Loading, time in seconds used as minimum interval between calls to the AWS API. (default 30)
  • filter A set of ";" separated query filters ("$Name=$Value") for the AWS EC2 API, see below.
  • runningOnly: if "true", automatically filter the * instances by "instance-state-name=running"
  • useDefaultMapping: if "true", base all mapping definitions off the default mapping provided.
  • mappingParams: A set of ";" separated mapping entries
  • mappingFile: Path to a java properties-formatted mapping definition file.
  • pageResults: Max elements per page for AWS API calls - REQUIRED

If you leave accessKey and secretKey blank, the EC2 IAM profile will be used.

Note: Rundeck 2.6.3+ uses an asynchronous nodes cache by default. You should enable synchronousLoad if you are using the rundeck nodes cache, or set the refreshInterval to 0.

Filter definition

The syntax for defining filters uses $Name=$Value1,$Value2[;$Name=$value[;...]] for any of the allowed filter names (see DescribeInstances for the available filter Names).

Note: you do not need to specify Filter.1.Name=$Name, etc. as described in the EC2 API documentation, this will handled for you. Simply list the Name = Value pairs, separated by ;.

You can specify multiple values in the filter by separating the values with ,.

Example: to filter based on a Tag named "MyTag" with a value of "Some Tag Value":

tag:MyTag=Some Tag Value

Example: to filter any instance with a Tag named MyTag:


Example combining matching a tag value and the instance type:

tag:MyTag=Some Tag Value;instance-type=m1.small

Example including two instance types, the results will have one or the other instance-type:


Mapping Definition

Rundeck Node attributes are configured by mapping EC2 Instance properties via a mapping configuration.

The mapping declares the node attributes that will be set, and what their values will be set to using a "selector" on properties of the EC2 Instance object.

Here is the default mapping:

description.default=EC2 node instance

Configuring the Mapping

You can configure your source to start with the above default mapping with the useDefaultMapping property.

You can then selectively change it either by setting the mappingParams or pointing to a new properties file with mappingFile.

For example, you can put this in the mappingParams field in the GUI to change the default tags for your nodes, remove the "stopping" tag selector, and add a new "ami_id" selector:

tags.default=mytag, mytag2;tag.stopping.selector=;ami_id.selector=imageId

Mapping format

The mapping consists of defining either a selector or a default for the desired Node fields. The "nodename" field is required, and will automatically be set to the instance ID if no other value is defined.

For purposes of the mapping definition, a field selector is either:

  • An EC2 fieldname, or dot-separated field names
  • "tags/" followed by a Tag name, e.g. "tags/My Tag"
  • "tags/*" for use by the attributes.selector mapping

Selectors use the Apache BeanUtils to extract a property value from the AWS API Instance class. This means you can use dot-separated fieldnames to traverse the object graph. E.g. "" to specify the "name" field of the State property of the Instance.


# define a selector for "property":
<attribute>.selector=<field selector>
# define a default value for "property":
<attribute>.default=<default value>
# Special attributes selector to map all Tags to attributes
# The value for the tags selector will be treated as a comma-separated list of strings
tags.selector=<field selector>
# the default tags list
# Define a single tag <name> which will be set if and only if the selector result is not empty
tag.<name>.selector=<field selector>
# Define a single tag <name> which will be set if the selector result equals the <value>
tag.<name>.selector=<field selector>=<value>

Note, a ".selector" value can have multiple selectors defined, separated by commas, and they will be evaluated in order with the first value available being used. E.g. "nodename.selector=tags/Name,instanceId", which will look for a tag named "Name", otherwise use the instanceId.

You can also use the <field selector>=<value> feature to set a tag only if the field selector has a certain value.

Tags selector

When defining field selector for the tags node property, the string value selected (if any) will be treated as a comma-separated list of strings to use as node tags. You could, for example, set a custom EC2 Tag on an instance to contain this list of tags, in this example from the file:


So creating the "Rundeck-Tags" Tag on the EC2 Instance with a value of "alpha, beta" will result in the node having those two node tags.

The tags.selector also supports a "merge" ability, so you can merge multiple Instance Tags into the Rundeck tags by separating multiple selectors with a "|" character:


Appending values

A field selector can conjoin multiple values using +, and can append literal text like the _ character for example.

# conjoin two fields with no separation between the values
# this will result in "field1field2" 
<attribute>.selector=<field selector>+<field2 selector>

# conjoin multiple fields with a literal string delimiter
# this will result in "field1-*-field2"
<attribute>.selector=<field selector>+"-*-"+<field2 selector>

Use a quoted value to insert a delimiter, with either single or double quotes.

Here is an example to use the "Name" instance tag, and InstanceId, to generate a unique node name for rundeck:


Mapping EC2 Instances to Rundeck Nodes

Rundeck node definitions specify mainly the pertinent data for connecting to and organizing the Nodes. EC2 Instances have metadata that can be mapped onto the fields used for Rundeck Nodes.

Rundeck nodes have the following metadata fields:

  • nodename - unique identifier
  • hostname - IP address/hostname to connect to the node
  • sshport - The ssh port, if resolved to another port than 22 hostname will be set to <hostname>:<sshport>
  • username - SSH username to connect to the node
  • description - textual description
  • osName - OS name
  • osFamily - OS family: unix, windows, cygwin.
  • osArch - OS architecture
  • osVersion - OS version
  • tags - set of labels for organization
  • editUrl - URL to edit the definition of this node object
  • remoteUrl - URL to edit the definition of this node object using Rundeck-specific integration

In addition, Nodes can have arbitrary attribute values.

EC2 Instance Field Selectors

EC2 Instances have a set of metadata that can be mapped to any of the Rundeck node fields, or to Settings or tags for the node.

EC2 fields:

  • amiLaunchIndex
  • architecture
  • clientToken
  • imageId
  • imageName
  • instanceId
  • instanceLifecycle
  • instanceType
  • kernelId
  • keyName
  • launchTime
  • license
  • platform
  • privateDnsName
  • privateIpAddress
  • publicDnsName
  • publicIpAddress
  • ramdiskId
  • rootDeviceName
  • rootDeviceType
  • spotInstanceRequestId
  • state
  • stateReason
  • stateTransitionReason
  • subnetId
  • virtualizationType
  • vpcId
  • tags/*

EC2 Instances can also have "Tags" which are key/value pairs attached to the Instance. A common Tag is "Name" which could be a unique identifier for the Instance, making it a useful mapping to the Node's name field. Note that EC2 Tags differ from Rundeck Node tags: Rundeck tags are simple string labels and are not key/value pairs.

Authenticating to EC2 Nodes with Rundeck

Once you get your EC2 Instances listed in Rundeck as Nodes, you may be wondering "Now how do I use this?"

Rundeck uses SSH by default with private key authentication, so in order to connect to your EC2 instances out of the box you will need to configure Rundeck to use the right private SSH key to connect to your nodes, which can be done in either of a few ways:

  1. Copy your private key to the default location used by Rundeck which is ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  2. Copy your private key elsewhere, and override it on a project level. Change and set the project.ssh-keypath to point to the file.
  3. Copy your private key elsewhere, and set the location as an attribute on your nodes (shown below)

To set the ssh keypath attribute on the EC2 Nodes produced by the plugin, you can modify your mapping configuration.

E.g. in the "Mapping Params" field, set:

Mapping Params: ssh-keypath.default=/path/to/key

This will set the "ssh-keypath" attribute on your EC2 Nodes, allowing correct private key ssh authentication.

The default mapping also configures a default username attribute to be ec2-user, but if you want to change the default set:

Mapping Params: ssh-keypath.default=/path/to/key;username.default=my-username

How to


Build the project with Gradle

./gradlew build


Test the project with Gradle

./gradlew check


Release the project.

./gradlew release


Get current version from axion-release plugin

./gradlew currentVersion

increment minor version

Bump minor version

./gradlew markNextVersion -Prelease.incrementer=incrementMinor

increment major version

Bump major version

./gradlew markNextVersion -Prelease.incrementer=incrementMajor