- Pro
A TodoList app built in flutter on Ethereum network. Doesn,t makes a lot of sense but an implementaion of web3Dart.
A blockchain-based Product Ownership Management System for anti-counterfeits in the Post Supply Chain.
A Ethereum blockchain based Peer to Peer anonymous voting protocol that doesn't track. 2nd Runner up at InfoSec hackathon IIT Delhi ๐
Multiclass segmentation on the Oxford-IIIT Pet dataset using the U-Net dataset.
Code for Segmentation of retinal lesions associated with diabetic retinopathy as microaneurysms, hemorrhages, hard exudates, and soft exudates.
Implementing polyp segmentation using the U-Net and CVC-612 dataset.
2018 the IDRiD challenge sub1(hard exudates segmentation) using unet based on tensorlayer
Automatic grading, segmentation and detection for IDRiD Diabetic Retinopathy dataset. (MVA Medical Imaging class final project)
Diabetic Retinopathy: Segmentation, Grading and Localization
Deep Learning Tutorial for Kaggle Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation competition, using Keras
๐ผ A lightweight neuroimaging .nii to .png converter for Matlab and Python users
Resources of semantic segmantation based on Deep Learning model
Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
A curated list of awesome computer vision resources
Everything you need in order to get YOLOv3 up and running in the cloud. Learn to train your custom YOLOv3 object detector in the cloud for free!
๐ค Neural SPARQL Machines for Knowledge Graph Question Answering.
Integrate Firebase Auth, Realtime Database and Storage in your Python projects using a RESTful approach.
A simple python wrapper for the Firebase API.
๐ฅ Express starter for your Firebase applications
Labs and demos for courses for GCP Training (http://cloud.google.com/training).
Project ideas and mentor guidance for ESIP members to participate in Google Summer of Code.
Coding articles to level up your development skills
Project for Digital Image Processing
Tushar19varshney / LabelLab
Forked from scorelab/LabelLabMachine learning supported web-base image labelling tool for researcher.
๐ Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32
RESTFul CRUD Example with Node.js and Mysql