Show-Your-Contributions Public
An automated workflow that generates/updates an HTML doc to showcase your GitHub contributions.
pandas Public
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Autoencoder-4-to-3-variables Public
An Autoencoder to compress 4 variables into 3 variables.
Lo-INcly Public
Forked from eka-care/Lo-INclyIndia specific automatic LOINC Linker for lab terms
unilm Public
Forked from microsoft/unilmUniLM - Unified Language Model Pre-training / Pre-training for NLP and Beyond
czml3 Public
Forked from poliastro/czml3Python 3 library to write CZML
datasets Public
Forked from tensorflow/datasetsTFDS is a collection of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow, Jax, ...
ignite Public
Forked from pytorch/igniteHigh-level library to help with training and evaluating neural networks in PyTorch flexibly and transparently.
FunctionalCollections.jl Public
Forked from JuliaCollections/FunctionalCollections.jlFunctional and persistent data structures for Julia
TextModels.jl Public
Forked from JuliaText/TextModels.jlNeural Network based models for Natural Language Processing
TextAnalysis.jl Public
Forked from JuliaText/TextAnalysis.jlJulia package for text analysis
linux_face_unlock Public
A face authentication system for Ubuntu that works while logging in and running "sudo" commands with a friendly CLI to operate it.
addons Public
Forked from tensorflow/addonsUseful extra functionality for TensorFlow 2.x maintained by SIG-addons
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowAn Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
DataStructures.jl Public
Forked from JuliaCollections/DataStructures.jlJulia implementation of Data structures
IntervalArithmetic.jl Public
Forked from JuliaIntervals/IntervalArithmetic.jlRigorous floating-point calculations using interval arithmetic in Julia
Twenfluence Public
Find an Expert. Just for anything..!
Run SQL queries on a Database by speaking questions in Natural Language.
ipython Public
Forked from ipython/ipythonOfficial repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
football Public
Forked from google-research/footballCheck out the new game server:
Faces-in-The-Wild Public
Faces in The Wild - Recognize if two people are blood relatives using their facial image.
SQLNet Public
Forked from xiaojunxu/SQLNetNeural Network for generating structured queries from natural language.