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Tags: rushabhshah341/s3fs



Toggle v2.5.0's commit message
Make copyFile take s3.copyObject options (#167)

* Make copyFile take s3.copyObject options

* Fix test so that it returns `true` to show that the function is satisfied. Also added Metadata to the object being copied and verified it comes back.


Toggle v2.4.8's commit message
Pull in Fix for Infinite Loops On Directories With 100+ Items (#139)

* Fix marker  used for continuation of directory listings when the number of files exceeds the maximum returned per request (default = 100).

* Change recursive listAllObjects calls to use the correct value for the continuation marker, when the previous call did not return all remaining values.

* Switch to using AWS.CredentialProviderChain() to resolve credentials for tests - allows users working in a VPC to set a session token for access.

* Tests for listing files and objects where more results are available than will be returned by a single call to the S3 API.

* Update how we handle S3 credentials to allow the AWS SDK to do all the work of figuring them out. Cleanup tests some to be more succinct.

* Turn on `es6` for linting.


Toggle v2.4.7's commit message
Update dependencies in `shrinkwrap` (#100)


Toggle v2.4.6's commit message
Bump version for maintenace release.


Toggle v2.4.5's commit message
Merge pull request #59 from RiptideElements/greenkeeper-update-all

Update all dependencies 🌴


Toggle v2.4.4's commit message
Merge pull request #58 from RiptideElements/deps

Update `bluebird` and `aws-sdk`


Toggle v2.4.2's commit message
Bump version.


Toggle v2.4.1's commit message
Merge pull request #51 from RiptideElements/update-aws-sdk

Update version of AWS SDK


Toggle v2.4.0's commit message
Bump version, add `.npm-ignore`


Toggle v2.3.0's commit message
Merge pull request #39 from RiptideElements/encoding-support

Update Read/Write File to Operate more like Node's FS