Jackson Systems
- Indianapolis, IN
- Pro
Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.
For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc
Package to generate a 10-color palette based on a given color hex. Useful to generate Tailwind CSS palettes.
A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
🍹 The smart data fetching layer for Pinia
DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:
Go to Definition following alias redirections.
null-ls.nvim reloaded / Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua.
RFCs for substantial changes / feature additions to Vue core
Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
Portable package manager for Neovim that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
A launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Neovim/Vim color scheme inspired by Dark+ and Light+ theme in Visual Studio Code
⚡️ WebExtension Vite Starter Template
Starter template for VS Code Extension
Package for Laravel to inject tracking code into outgoing emails.
Industry standard API mocking for JavaScript.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
A Prettier plugin for Tailwind CSS that automatically sorts classes based on our recommended class order.